4+1 Combined BSE/MS

The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department offers the option for a combined 4+1 BSE/MS option wherein students earn their BSE and MS simultaneously in a five-year program. Students must complete 30 hours of graduate course work in their last two years of residency, i.e. year four of the BSE and year five. This program allows students enrolled in the undergraduate program to count six hours from any combination of the Advanced Elective, Advanced Engineering Elective, or Advanced Specialization Elective slot of the BSE program, taken at the 6000 level, to count for both the BSE and MS degrees. The remaining twenty-four hours, to be completed in the last year of residency, are outlined below.

Course requirements

Six hours to be counted for both the BSE and MS degrees can be taken as 6000 level sections from any of the following slots in the BSE degree program

  • Advanced technical elective
  • Advanced engineering elective
  • Advanced specialization elective

Students must also take

  • CENG 7320 (Transport Phenomena)
  • CENG 7110 (Thermodynamics)

Plus one of either

  • CENG 7150 (kinetics)
  • CENG 6870 (biomolecular and cellular engineering)

Beyond the above, students must take an additional 15 hours of coursework. This can be either 15 hours of formal coursework or 12 hours of formal coursework and 3 hours of directed studies.

Application window

Students must apply by April 15th of the academic year prior to when they plan to take their 6000 level electives to double count.