Honors Program

Departmental Honors

Every biomedical engineering student completes a year-long project as part of the Research and Professional Practice sequence (BMEN 4900, 4902, and 4912). To be eligible for departmental honors, a student must additionally earn a cumulative grade-point average of at least 3.400 and a grade-point average of at least 3.500 in courses counting toward the major. If a student has a minimum GPA of 3.400 at the end of the junior year, he or she may apply to convert the research project to an honors project. Successful completion of this project will result in the degree being conferred “...with Departmental Honors in Biomedical Engineering.” To apply for candidacy for this honor, the student must identify a suitable research topic and advisor, select a research advisory committee, and submit a letter of application to the instructor of Research and Professional Practice by February 15th of the third year.

Honors Thesis


Graduating with Latin Honors

All Latin honors at Tulane are awarded on the basis of GPA alone. Students achieving a GPA in the top 25% of the class will receive Latin honors according to the following:

Summa cum laude = top 5% of the class
Magna cum laude = next 8% of the class
Cum laude = next 12% of the class

Thresholds are calculated once each year based on the GPAs of May graduates and are posted no later than July 1 for the upcoming year. GPAs for the upcoming  graduation year can be found here.