NOTE: Some of these courses are only offered every other year.
NSCI 6030 Neuroscience Seminar [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
Neuroscience Seminar meets approximately once per week. Local and visiting neuroscientists present their latest research. Seminars are held on both Uptown and Downtown campuses depending on speaker affiliation.
NSCI 6040 Trends in Neuroscience [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to present and discuss research results from the literature or their own work. The course consists of a journal club, where students present papers taken from the neuroscience literature.
NSCI 6060 Behavioral Endocrinology [3 Credits]
Instructor: Wee
An introduction to the roles of steroid and peptide hormones in physiology and behavior. Lectures focus on the hormonal mechanisms that control reproductive and regulatory functions in human and infrahuman species.
NSCI 6070 Neurobiology of Aging [3 Credits]
Instructor: Cronin
This course will survey the current literature in clinical and research journals regarding the Neurobiology of the aging process. Emphasis is placed on the state of research in aging, looking at experimental design issues as well as published results. Connections will be drawn between the research literature and current clinical practice, as well as what the research literature says regarding aging and lifestyle.
NSCI 6110 Brain and Language [3 Credits]
Instructor: Howard
The goal of this course is to learn how the brain is organized to produce and comprehend language and to understand the linguistic disorders attendant on brain damage. There is an optional service learning component in which students can work with a speech therapist at a local healthcare provider.
NSCI 6130 Sports Related Brain Injury [3 Credits]
Instructor: Juengling
This course will provide students with a conceptual and practical appreciation of contemporary neuroscience techniques that are utilized for the assessment and rehabilitation of athletes that suffer sport related concussion(s), including both strengths and limitations. The course will provide an innovative and engaging environment within the community for supervised exploration of specific components of sport concussion management including education/prevention and baseline testing. The students will also communicate research findings in oral and written formats. Course grades will be determined by the students' performance on test(s), scientific article critiques, student lead class discussions, and a group project. In lieu of a final exam, students will submit a group project that will simulate the process to complete a clinical research project.
NSCI 6170 Pyschedelics [3 Credits]
Instructor: Cronin
This course will examine the pharmacology, neuroscience, and sociological impacts of psychedelic drugs. Emphasis will be on the actions of these agents at the cellular and neuronal network level. Potential therapeutic applications and existing published data will be examined. Cross-listed with CELL 6170. Open to Graduate Students only.
NSCI 6200 General Endocrinology [3 Credits]
Instructors: Clark
This course explains the basics of hormone action and hormone interactions with their receptors, with an emphasis on the molecular mechanisms by which homeostasis is maintained in multicellular organisms. Physiological outcomes of hormone actions on different organs, as well as aberrant hormone action will be covered.
NSCI 6220 Neural Microengineering [3 Credits]
Instructor: Moore
In recent years, a number of technologies have been developed and utilized for probing the nervous system. This course focuses on microscale tools, technologies, and techniques employed for the control, manipulation, and study of the nervous system in vitro. Course material will be presented primarily by students who prepare presentations from extensive background literature review. A number of projects will be assigned as design challenges in which multiple interdisciplinary groups will research and present proposed solutions to the same challenge.
NSCI 6260 Methods for Functional MRI [3 Credits]
Instructor: Deen
This course will cover methods for noninvasive functional imaging of the human brain using magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The course will include both lectures and computer lab sessions involving hands-on analysis of fMRI data. Topics include physical basis of the MRI signal, image encoding, data preprocessing, statistical analysis, multivoxel pattern analysis, and functional connectivity.
NSCI 6310 Cellular Neuroscience [3 Credits]
Instructor: Tasker
Introduction to the basic principles of the neurosciences, including cellular and molecular neurobiology, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of simple invertebrate and vertebrate systems, neural development, neuropharmacology and synaptic organization of higher neural systems.
NSCI 6320 Systems Neuroscience [3 Credits]
Instructor: Schrader/Galazo/Clark
The subject of this course is the human nervous system, its anatomy, connectivity and function. Discusses the normal structure of the nervous system and the relationship of that structure to physiological function. The course is taught from a practical, clinical point of view and is intended to prepare students for further study in the neurosciences.
NSCI 6330 Neurobiology of Learning and Memory [3 Credits]
Instructors: Daniel/Harrison
An introduction to the neural mechanisms that control learning and memory. Lectures will cover the cellular basis of learning and memory as well as the neural structures and systems that mediate learned behavior.
NSCI 6340 Neurobiology of Disease [3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
Advanced course on the higher neural functions of the nervous system and neurological diseases resulting from disruption of these functions. An emphasis is placed on the physiology of the nervous system and neural biochemical disorders.
NSCI 6350 Developmental Neurobiology [3 Credits]
Instructor: Clark
A broad overview of the different stages of neural development. Examination of the molecular aspects of developmental neurobiology, with reference to some important signaling pathways involved in neural growth and specification. Particular attention will be given to those active research fields, such as growth cone guidance and collapse and activity-dependent development, and applications of these to injury and disease.
NSCI 6365 Comparative Neuroanatomy Lab [1 Credit]
Instructor: Clark
This course focuses on the relevant similarities and differences of model systems in the neurosciences. Students in the laboratory will engage in an intensive comparative study of the structural and functional anatomy of commonly used living model systems. Hands-on dissections of the nervous system from various species is utilized to reinforce learning, demonstrate how the nervous system is modified to match body type and lifestyle, and to give students experience in practical skills for neuroscience research. In addition, students will pursue an independent project on a protein of their choice. Students will use a literature search to try to map the relative expression of this protein across the nervous system.
NSCI 6370 Molecular Neurobiology [3 Credits]
Instructor: Huang
Introduction to the molecular biology of neurons and neuronal functions. Topics of study will include: the molecular composition of nerve cells, and how this provides a basis for their functional properties; their synaptic connectivity; how they receive, transmit, and retain information at a molecular level. Studies will focus on current research in the field of molecular neurobiology.
NSCI 6380 Cognitive Neuroscience [3 Credits]
Instructor: Deen
An introduction to the study of human behavior and cognition using neuroscience methods. The course will examine the neural basis of perception, attention, memory, language, motor control, and emotions.
NSCI 6400 Neuroscience Applied [3 Credits]
Instructor: Black
This course is designed for neuroscience graduate students to help them utilize and apply their skills and knowledge of neuroscience and to help prepare them for their future professions. The course consists of individual and group presentations, discussion of selected readings, career preparation activities, invited speakers, evaluation/feedback, and a final project and students develop their critical thinking, analytical and communication skills.
NSCI 6530 Psychopharmacology [3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
An introduction to the effects of psychoactive agents on the nervous system. Lectures emphasize the mechanisms by which drugs regulate neurotransmitter systems to alter psychological and physical states.
NSCI 6550 Synaptic Organization of the Brain [3 Credits]
Instructor: Schrader
The goal of this course is to discuss and understand functional connections within and between areas of the brain to lead to a greater understanding of brain function and behavior. We will focus on limbic and memory systems. A strong emphasis will be placed on in-class discussions and student presentations to enhance critical thinking and oral presentation skills.
NSCI 6660 Special Topics in Neuroscience [1-3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
Courses offered by visiting professors or permanent faculty primarily for graduate students. For description, consult department.
NSCI 6730 Neurodevelopment and Disease [3 Credits]
Instructor: Galazo
The assembly of a functional nervous system is one of the most complex developmental processes in nature. This course provides advance knowledge on the mechanisms controlling nervous system development, at the cellular, circuit, and functional levels, and how failure on these mechanisms underlie neurodevelopmental disorders. Also, this course will introduce the student to most current techniques and research topics on neurodevelopment.
NSCI 6900 Graduate NSCI Internship [1-3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
An experiential learning process coupled with relevant academic course work. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.
NSCI 7100 Special Projects in Neuroscience [1-3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
Individual studies in a selected field with approval of instructor and advisor.
Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.
NSCI 7110 Graduate Neuroscience I [3 Credits]
Instructor: Clark
This course is designed to present information about neuroscience to graduate students. The focus is on molecular and cellular neurobiology, with blocks on neurophysiology, synaptic physiology, neurotransmitter receptors and their signal transduction mechanisms, learning and memory, and the basic processes of neural development.
NSCI 7120 Graduate Neuroscience II [3 Credits]
Instructor: Clark
This course is concerned with the structure and function of the human and non-human nervous systems. In addition to lectures, this course provides hands-on examination of neuroanatomical structures. Most neuroscience research requires a working knowledge of the structural components of the nervous system as the basis of understanding conceptual aspects of nervous system function. This course is designed to provide a clear and concise account of the anatomy of the nervous system in sufficient detail to understand the main functions and common disorders which impact the nervous system. This approach will demonstrate how knowledge of neuroanatomy can aid in understanding clinical symptoms and emphasizes those areas of neuroanatomy which are particularly relevant to human neurological disorders.
NSCI 7130 Research Rotations I [3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
First-year doctoral students in Neuroscience complete research rotations in three different laboratories lead by faculty members of the Tulane Brain Institute before placement in a permanent laboratory to pursue doctoral training. The research objectives of each rotation are outlined by the supervising faculty member at the beginning of the rotation, typically 6-8 weeks in length. Three credits are earned for the first research rotation completed during the fall semester in the doctoral program and three additional credits are earned for the two research rotations completed during the spring semester. Course may be repeated 2 times for credit.
Restrictions: Open only to first-year doctoral students in Neuroscience
NSCI 7660 Conveying Neuroscience Research [3 Credits]
Instructor: Fadok
This course will cover fundamental principles of scientific communication, specifically focused on neuroscience. The course will be workshop-based, with students creating communication products and receiving peer and instructor feedback. Topics include grant writing, oral presentations, poster presentations, figure making, and public engagement.
NSCI 7980 Research in Neuroscience - PhD [1-3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
Individual research supervised by faculty for doctoral students. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.
NSCI 7981 Research in Neuroscience - MA [1-3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
Individual research supervised by faculty for M. S. students. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.
NSCI 9980 Master's Thesis Research
Instructor: Staff
Laboratory research for M.S. students completing their thesis. Non-graded.
NSCI 9990 Dissertation Research
Instructor: Staff
Research toward completion of a doctoral degree. Course may be repeated up to unlimited credit hours.
SCEN 6000 Entrepreneurship Eng & Biosci [3 Credits]
Instructor: Karp
This course focuses on taking graduate and senior capstone engineering and bioscience research projects to a commercial stage. Not only does one need to take the research projects to an advanced engineering/bioscience stage in order to be commercialized, one needs to develop a competitive business plan, an intellectual property position, and a sustainable competitive advantage. Additionally, this course explores the major economic and technological developments that are shaping the world, how to develop and sustain a competitive bioengineering or biotech start-up firm, how to write a competitive business plan and the proper interaction with venture capitalists, lawyers and investment bankers through the entire business cycle. All through this process, the importance of ethics is continually studied, stressed and examined. Guest speakers are incorporated throughout the semester including a venture capitalist, a business ethicist, startup attorney, investment banker and several bioscience and biomedical engineering entrepreneurs.
SCEN 6030 Anatomy and Physiology I [3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
The course objectives are to learn to identify the principal components of the musculoskeletal, peripheral nervous, and central nervous systems and to be able to relate the structures and their functions.
SCEN 6035 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory I [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
SCEN 6040 Anatomy and Physiology II [3 Credits]
Instructor: Staff
SCEN 6045 Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory II [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
INTD 6010 Responsible Conduct of Research [0 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
Offered during the fall semesters by the Tulane University Research Compliance Office, this course is required by the federal funding agencies for students earning doctoral degrees in a biomedical-related science.
CELT 7010 The Essentials of Learning and Teaching [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
This course provides the framework upon which excellence in teaching is built. Students will explore the science of learning, evaluate different course designs, discuss ways to ensure inclusive and diverse classroom environments and the pedagogy of service learning. The course will culminate with the writing of a teaching philosophy.
CELT 7020 Practical Course Design and Teaching Skills [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
This course is designed to provide students feedback on actual teaching opportunities. Some students maybe the faculty of record for a course in their department, others will be a guest lecturer or give lectures to peers.
CELT 7030 Teaching Practicum [1 Credit]
Instructor: Staff
This course is designed to provide students feedback on actual teaching opportunities. Some students maybe the faculty of record for a course in their department, others will be a guest lecturer or give lectures to peers.
Note: Some of the above courses are offered every other year and this information can shift from semester to semester. To find out which courses are currently offered, visit the online class schedule. Go to the Tulane Registrar's website, click on Schedule of Classes. Choose the correct semester, and click on School of Science and Engineering for courses offered through Cell & Molecular Biology, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Neuroscience, and Psychology. You will then be able to access class information from the various departments participating in the Neuroscience Graduate Programs. Students are encouraged to look for other graduate courses in other science departments.