
The Neuroscience Program would like to congratulate our students who graduated in the 2023 - 2024 Academic Year with a PhD in Neuroscience. Great job!  We are proud of you and all of your hard work to earn the highest degree of academic achievement.  You are poised to do great things, and we’re proud and thankful to have been able to be a part of your past and future successes as a scientist. Good luck, and keep in touch.

  • Alexis Ducote
  • Xiao Han
  • Miranda Horn
  • Lee Vaasjo Munoz

The Neuroscience Program also congratulates all of our students who graduated in May with their Masters and Bachelors of Science in Neuroscience degrees. Congratulations on a job well done!  We are proud to have such a great group of students going out into the world with the Tulane pedigree, and we’re sure you will do incredible things in your future academic and professional lives. Good luck, and keep in touch.

Graduates of the Neuroscience Program often continue their training by doing postdoctoral research and/or attending medical school. Many of our Masters students continue in medical school or doctoral programs. Our graduates can be found working all over the world in medical, research, business, and/or teaching settings. For a complete list of our graduates, please visit:

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Tulane University is extremely grateful to its alumni and friends for the strong financial support they have provided over the years. Unrestricted giving and giving targeted to particular programs and initiatives are critically important to the success of any great university and Tulane is no exception.

To make an unrestricted gift to the Neuroscience Program, please visit and be certain to check the School of Science and Engineering box on the gift form. Or you might want to consider an endowed fund supporting student scholarships or faculty positions.

Endowed Funds & Named Facilities

To learn more about endowed funds and state matching fund opportunities, please visit Invest in Tulane.