Department of Psychology
Undergraduate Programs
The Department of Psychology offers courses that fulfill the requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Psychology, the minor in psychology, and various other core attributes across the School of Science and Engineering and Newcomb-Tulane College. We encourage you to explore our offerings, and let us know if you have questions.
Learn about
Use the following links to access important information about majoring in psychology, doing research, and our course offerings. Please see the "Research" page for details about completing an honors thesis in Psychology.
Learn about the academic course requirements for the Bachelor of Science in Psychology and the minor in Psychology, as well as how to declare the major and the major advisor assignment process.
Learn about how undergraduate students can get involved in psychology research with our faculty. You'll also find information about completing a psychology honors thesis on this page.
Click here for a description of our undergraduate course offerings, which are available to majors, minors, and non-majors.
Psychology by the Numbers
Did you know that the Psychology Major is the largest major in the School of Science and Engineering and one of the biggest majors at Tulane?
Undergraduate majors
Undergraduate minors
Full-time faculty
Undergraduate Studies in Psychology
Get Involved!

Learn about getting involved in psychology outside the classroom!
Psi Chi & Psychology Club
Psychology students who meet eligibility requirements can join Psi Chi, the official national honor society for psychology majors. New majors and/or those who don't meet eligibility requirements can join the Psychology Club.
Careers, Internships, & Summer Programs
Undergraduate students are encouraged to work with Tulane's Center for Public Service to find engaging service activities. Additionally, the NTC Career Center provides useful resources for summer internship information, summer programming, and career services.
More Information