Tuition and Expenses
Current Tuition and Fees may be found here.
Students who have completed their course work requirements are required to register for Master's Research 9980 (3 credit hours) or Dissertation Research 9990 (3 credit hours) in order to maintain continuous registration. Tuition equal to one 3 credit hour course and part time fees will be assessed for this registration. Living expenses for the single student are approximately $12,000. For international students, these fees are higher due to foreign travel costs, insurance, and initial household expenses. Graduate student housing is available in Tulane University apartments on a limited basis, though most students rent apartments near the university.
Tuition for the Non-Thesis Masters program in the Department of Biomedical Engineering is offered at a rate of 50% of the undergraduate tuition. The tuition for this program is limited to one year of tuition if the student completes his/her coursework in less than 18 months. After that, additional tuition will be charged at one-half of the prevailing credit-hour rate. Part-time students will be charged tuition at one-half of the prevailing credit-hour rate.
Financial Aid
The Department of Biomedical Engineering provides merit-based aid to support our graduate students in paying for the cost of graduate education. Recipients of merit-based financial aid are chosen solely on the basis of academic qualifications. The stipend for incoming students entering in Academic Year 2015-2016 is $26,000 for 12-months in residence plus a 50% semester credit for a Tulane-sponsored health insurance plan. Ph.D. students are given priority for merit-based aid, and students pursuing the non-thesis option Master's degree are ineligible.
The forms of merit-based aid are:
Incoming Awards: Teaching Assistantships (TA)
The department's primary method of support for incoming graduate students is through Teaching Assistantships. A Teaching Assistant is assigned to assist a faculty mentor and shares teaching responsibilities. TA duties may include discussions about upcoming lectures, feedback from lectures, the preparation of handouts, grading, and laboratory instruction. The TA generally attends all class meetings.
Incoming Awards: Fellowships
These fellowships are primarily awarded by the Louisiana Board of Regents through Tulane University, and generally provide four-years of support plus a tuition waiver. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or resident aliens.
Continuing Awards: Research Assistantships (RA)
These assistantships pay a stipend that is individually determined, and include a tuition waiver. These awards may be given to continuing graduate students who are performing research projects on a topic with extramural financial support.
Extramural Graduate Fellowship Programs
All applicants are strongly urged to apply for National Science Foundation (NSF) graduate fellowships. These generally offer a stipend and tuition waiver, some offer summer support as well. You can review funding and fellowship opportunities, program guidelines, deadlines, and apply on-line (
The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) is another organization that offers graduate fellowships. You can review funding and fellowship opportunities, program guidelines, deadlines, and apply on-line (
Information on need-based financial aid is available from the Financial Aid Office, Tulane University, New Orleans LA 70118. Filing of the GAPSFAS (available from the financial aid office at most universities) is a requirement for consideration.