Professor David A. Mullin
Office 2000 Stern Hall
- Scope, perspective, and history
- Microbiological methods, sterilization, and disinfection
- Microscopy
- Bacterial cell architecture, and motility
- Microbial growth, nutrition, and kinetics
- Microbial metabolism: Energetics, fermentation, and respiration
- Microbial transformations of nitrogen, phosphorous, and sulfur
- Microbial genomics, genetic exchange, transposons
- Medical microbiology
- Immunology: Innate and acquired
- Antibiotics and antimicrobial agents
- Microbial taxonomy
- The Archaea and bacteria
- The microbial eukaryotes: fungi, algae, and protozoa
- The viruses
Each exam counts as 33 1/3 % of the total grade. Homework assignments will be used to decide borderline grades. Late homework will not be accepted. If you miss an exam you will be allowed to take a makeup exam only if you contact me prior to the time of the exam and get my approval.
As a reminder: The Tulane University Honor Code stipulates that ALL ACADEMIC WORK MUST BE THE RESULT OF THE STUDENT'S OWN EFFORTS.