Colin Jackson

Assistant Professor

School of Science & Engineering
Colin Jackson


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Blessey Hall, Room 203
New Orleans, LA 70118

Education & Affiliations

Ph.D., Brown University, 2014
B.S., University of California, Santa Cruz, 2008


Dr. Jackson's research interests include Solid Earth geochemistry and petrology, high temperature and pressure synthesis, and Planetary Science


CRM Jackson, NR Bennett, Z Du, E Cottrell, Y Fei, (2018), Early episodes of high-pressure core formation preserved in plume mantle, Nature 553 (7689), 491.

AJ Smye, CRM Jackson, M Konrad-Schmolke, MA Hesse, SW Parman, DL Shuster, CJ Ballentine, (2017), Noble gases recycled into the mantle through cold subduction zones Earth and Planetary Science Letters 471, 65-73.

N Dygert, CRM Jackson, MA Hesse, MM Tremblay, DL Shuster, JT Gu, (2018), Plate tectonic cycling modulates Earth's 3He/22Ne ratio Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, 309-321.

KB Williams*, CRM Jackson, LC Cheek, KL Donaldson-Hanna, SW Parman, CM Pieters, MD Dyar, TC Prissel, (2016), Reflectance spectroscopy of chromium-bearing spinel with application to recent orbital data from the Moon, American Mineralogist 101 (3), 726-734.