Nathan R. Hopkins

Professor of Practice

School of Science & Engineering
Nathan R. Hopkins


Blessey Hall

Education & Affiliations

PhD, Lehigh University, 2016
BS, University of Missouri, 2011


My research interests include Quaternary Geology, Geomorphology, Soils, Geographic Information Systems, Mapping & Field Geology.


Hopkins, N.R., Kleman, J., Evenson, E.B., & Kodama, K.P. (2016) An anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) fabric record of till kinematics within a late Weichselian low Baltic till, Southern Sweden. Boreas 45(4), 846-860.

Larson, G.J., Menzies, J., Lawson, D.E., Evenson, E.B., & Hopkins, N.R. (2016) Macro- and micro-sedimentology of a modern melt-out till -- Matanuska Glacier, Alaska. Boreas 45(2), 235-251.

Hopkins, N.R., Evenson, E.B., Kodama, K.P., & Kozlowski, A. (2016) An anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) investigation of the till fabric of drumlins: support for an accretionary origin. Boreas 45(1), 100-108.