Engineering Physics Major

This interdisciplinary program provides students with a broad science and mathematics background similar to that of Tulane’s traditional physics major, combined with a strong grounding in engineering design and the application of physics principles to practical engineering problems. The curriculum is characterized by a strong emphasis on modern physics and its application to 21st century technology, including new materials, quantum electronics, nanofabrication, and devices.

Our students will be well equipped to pursue research and development careers in new and emerging technologies that cut across traditional engineering and science disciplines, to pursue graduate studies in science or engineering, or to enter professional fields including law, management, and medicine. Graduates will have substantial experience with laboratory methods, data analysis, and computation.

A centerpiece of the curriculum is the design sequence, consisting of a two-semester Introduction to Design sequence, a summer industry internship, and a two-semester capstone Team Design Project. As an intrinsic part of the curriculum, students develop strong oral and written communication skills, multidisciplinary teamwork skills, experience in public service, and knowledge about the high ethical standards of the engineering profession.

The program builds on cross-cutting areas of research strength in the School of Science and Engineering, including: novel 21st century materials; materials for energy; bio-molecular materials; macromolecules; “quantum mechanics to devices”; surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures; and computation.

Starting in Fall 2024, students may choose to add a minor in Electrical, Materials, or Mechanical Engineering to the Engineering Physics major. Adding one of these minors requires a minimum of 9 additional credits (3 courses) beyond what is need for the ENGP major.

The Engineering Physics program also offers optional certificates (tracks) for students who are interested in specific aspects of the broader program. Students may choose one of four certificates:

  • Computational Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering (being phased out for students matriculating in Fall 2024 or later)
  • Materials Engineering (being phased out for students matriculating in Fall 2024 or later)
  • Mechanical Engineering (being phased out for students matriculating in Fall 2024 or later)

with each having a pre-approved set of coursework. See Engineering Physics Certificates for more information.

With the introduction of minors in Electrical, Materials, and Mechanical Engineering, the corresponding certificates are being phased out. However, all students who matriculated at Tulane prior to Fall 2024 may choose between a certificate and a minor in one of these areas. The Computational Engineering certificate is unaffected by these changes.

The Engineering Physics Major curriculum consists of the following requirements (91 credits total plus Tulane core requirements):

  • Tulane University’s core requirements for graduation (note that Engineering majors must complete two courses in Social and Behavioral Sciences, two in Textual and Historical Perspectives, and one in Aesthetics and Creative Arts, but are exempt from the foreign language requirement)
  • Mathematics: Four courses including MATH 2210 (Calculus III) and MATH 2240/4240 (Introduction to Applied Mathematics or Ordinary Differential Equations), to be completed during the first two years of study (typicaly 16 credits)
  • Basic Science: PHYS 1310, 1320 (General Physics I and II with lab) and CHEM 1070, 1075 (General Chemistry I with lab) taken in the first year of study, followed by PHYS 2350, 2360 (Modern Physics I and II) in the second year (18 credits)
  • Product and Experimental Design: ENGP 2310 & 2311, typically taken in the fall of the second year of study (3 credits)
  • General Engineering Courses: ENGP 1410 (Statics), ENGP 2020 (Computing Concepts and Applications), ENGP 2010 (Electric Circuits), ENGP 2011 (Electric Circuits Lab), and ENGP/CENG 2120 (Thermodynamics I), and ENGP 3120 (17 credits)
  • Selected Engineering Elective: ENGP 2430 (Mechanics of Materials) or BMEN/ENGP 2730 and 2731 (Electronics) (3 or 4 credits)
  • Advanced Laboratory: ENGP 3530 (3 credits)
  • Computation: ENGP 3170 or PHYS 6170 (Computational Physics and Engineering) or CENG 3230 (Numerical Methods for Chemical Engineers) (3 credits) [Note: students may instead take MATH 3310 + one additional 3-credit engineering elective]
  • Colloquium: PHYS 3800 (1 credit)
  • Classical Physics Elective: One course chosen from among PHYS 3630, PHYS 3740, PHYS 4230, or PHYS 3650/4650 (3 credits)
  • Contemporary Physics Elective: One course chosen from among PHYS 3150 or 6150, PHYS 3180 or 6180, PHYS 3210 or 6210, PHYS 3230 or 6230, PHYS 3310 or 6310, PHYS 3450 or 6450, PHYS 3700 or 6700, or PHYS 4470 (3 credits)
  • Engineering Electives: Four courses chosen from among ENGP 2420, ENGP 3130, ENGP 3140, ENGP 3290, ENGP 3350, ENGP 3360, ENGP 3370, ENGP 3380, ENGP 3390, ENGP 3560, ENGP 3570, ENGP 3600, ENGP 3620, ENGP 3660, ENGP 3720, ENGP/BMEN 3730, ENGP 3760, CENG 2110, CENG 2320, CENG 2500, CENG 2780, CENG 3110, CENG 3390, BMEN 2730, BMEN 3300, BMEN 3400, BMEN 3440, BMEN 3650, BMEN 3820, BMEN 3932, CMPS 3350, or other courses as approved by the Faculty Advisor (12 credits)
  • Professional Development: ENGP 3430 and ENGP 3440 (Professional Development for Engineers I & II), or ENGP 3460 (Tech Ethics: What is a Better Future?), normally taken in the junior year (3 credits)
  • Summer Internship: normally done in the summer following the third year of study (0 credits)
  • Team Design Project and Professional Practice I and II: ENGP 4310-4320 (6 credits), taken in the fourth year of study

Please Note: Many intermediate and advanced courses in the program have prerequisites listed under the Basic Science and Mathematics categories; several of the allowed electives may have additional prerequisites. Many of the elective courses may not be offered every year. You should consult regularly with your faculty advisor to be sure that you stay on track. For students pursuing an ENGP  certificate or minor, your ENGP advisor is the advisor for the chosen certificate or minor (Prof. Ryan Gelfand for Electrical Engineering, Prof. Matthew Barrios for Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Doug Chrisey for Materials Engineering, or Prof. Lev Kaplan for Computational Engineering). Prof. Lev Kaplan also serves as advisor for ENGP students who are not planning to pursue a minor or certificate or who have not yet chosen a minor or certificate.

Previous Requirements: The requirements were modified in AY 2023-24 to ehnance flexibility and to encourage participation in the new engineering minors. All students graduating in May 2024 or later are eligible to follow the new Engineering Physics requirements if they so choose. For the previous requirements, please see the archived catalog for AY 2022-23.