The School Psychology program employs a comprehensive and holistic student selection process. A variety of factors affect admissions decisions, including 1) achievement in college courses, including overall GPA and grades within specific courses; 2) demonstrated interest and experience in research, as indicated through letters of reference, experience in research labs, and research presentations; and 3) demonstrated interest and experience in applied psychology, typically indicated by experiential coursework, internships, and/or work experience involving education, mental health, or other social services. The GRE is no longer required by the Psychology Department. In addition, the faculty carefully consider the “match” between applicants and the School Psychology Program’s goals and mission. We are interested in recruiting graduate students who will fit with and benefit from our collaborative and supportive academic and training community. Equally important is the “match” between applicants and the research interests of the faculty. Admission decisions are made by the program faculty through consensus; individual faculty do not make admissions decisions. We employ a flexible mentorship model. Applicants specifically apply to work with one or more selected faculty members whose research programs match their own interests and are admitted into faculty labs, with the expectation that they will work with that faculty member through at least their master’s project; however, the entire faculty makes admissions decisions together, considering fit with the program and faculty overall. Graduate students occasionally shift advisors during the course of their training. Sharing research interests with more than one faculty member ensures that this sort of transition is possible.
All submitted applications are reviewed by all School and Developmental Psychology faculty. Applicants under serious consideration by the faculty are invited to interview. Interviews are scheduled between mid-January and mid-February. Historically, most interviews were in-person. Interviews last one day and include interviews with School and Developmental Psychology faculty, individual and group discussions with current graduate students, a campus tour, and a reception. Both in-person and remote interviews will be available to everyone to ensure that financial constraints do not limit applicants’ ability to participate. After interviews, the School and Developmental faculty decide as a group which applicants will be invited into the program. Offers of admission are recommended to the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering, which makes the formal offers of admission.
Program Disclosures
As articulated in Standard I.B.2, programs may have “admission and employment policies that directly relate to affiliation or purpose” that may be faith-based or secular in nature. However, such policies and practices must be disclosed to the public. Therefore, programs are asked to respond to the following question.
Time to Completion for all students entering the program
Also, please describe or provide a link to program admissions policies that allow students to enter with credit for prior graduate work, and the expected implications for time to completion. Please indicate NA if not applicable:
Tulane School Psychology doctoral students can transfer up to 24 credits toward their PhD degree. Empirical master’s theses may also be considered to substitute for the program’s master’s thesis requirement. Courses/theses are reviewed by the program’s relevant core and associated faculty to determine equivalency, after which the Departmental Graduate Training Committee reviews the program’s recommendation. Finally, the School of Science and Engineering processes the transfer(s) following these procedures listed under the Credit Transfer Form header. Students who transfer in coursework and/or a thesis can expect to complete the program more quickly. Policies and procedures relevant to earning credit for prior graduate work are described in detail in the department’s Graduate Training Handbook.