Forms, Policies & Procedures

Registration Policies, Forms and Enrollment Verification

Students must register on time for their graduate student studies each semester. The Tulane Registrar publishes the Academic Calendars for students to use each semester. It is important that you know all of the deadline dates for each semester. Use your Gibson Portal - Schedule of Classes link to enroll in classes each semester.  (Please note:  Electronic signatures are accepted on the forms)

If you cannot enroll through your Gibson Portal, you will need to complete an Add/Drop Form. You need to work with your department to ensure the correct CRN, Course Number and Section are properly noted and signed by a department administrator or advisor. Once the form is complete, you will need to send the form to the SSE Dean’s Office to

Students should be mindful that timely registration is necessary to avoid issues with standing, status, and financial considerations such as student loans and stipends.
Students are responsible for verifying their enrollment using their Gibson Portal – Tulane Enrollment Verification link. Students on stipends (who are enrolled in less than 9 credit hours and not enrolled in dissertation research may have more taxes taken from their paychecks).

Full Time Student Enrollment:

When you enroll in 9 credit hours, you are reported as a Full Time Student.  With Full Time student status, you will be automatically enrolled and charged for the Tulane Student Health Center Fee and Reilly Rec Center Fee.  You can utilize these services using your Tulane Splash card.  Once you have completed your course work, you will be enrolling in the 9980 Thesis Research or 9990 Dissertation Research Course.  Research courses are 3 credit hours.  These 3 credit hour courses will report you as a Full Time Research Student.  Because the Research Courses are only 3 credit hours, you are not automatically enrolled in or charged for the Tulane Health Center or the Reilly Rec Center.  You can decide to enroll in these services separately by contacting the Student Health Center and Reilly Rec center and asking them to enroll you for their services for the current semester.

Understanding your Academic Enrollment:  For the the correct fee information, go to - Tulane Accounts Receivable

Full Time Students are enrolled in 9+ credit hours

Part Time Students are enrolled in 8 or less credit hours

Full Time PhD Research students are enrolled in either 9990 or 9980 and must be either working as a TA or RA for the semester.

Students enrolled in under 9 credit hours are not automatically enrolled to use the Recreation Center or Student Health Center and if elect to participate and pay for these services, the student must go to these facilities and request to be added to these services.

Students assume all financial obligations for their courses upon registration and should check their student billing on a regular basis to see that their payments, waivers etc. have been properly applied to their bills and that they have been properly enrolled and charged for their Tulane Health Insurance plan (T-SHIP) each semester (if they have enrolled in the plan).

Dropping Courses and Resignation – If you are dropping courses please do so before the last day to drop a course using your Gibson Portal. If you miss the deadline, please complete and send the Add/Drop Form to the SSE Dean’s Office to – Janet Morgan as soon as possible. If you are dropping all of your courses for a semester, you must complete a Resignation Form (you can specify that it is just a semester resignation and not a resignation from the program). This form should be completed, signed, and sent to

Graduate Student Billing and Tax Forms

Tulane's billing cycle is around the 15th of each month.  It is essential that you check your Tulane bill on a regular basis.  Your tuition, fees, T-Ship health insurance, Tulane bookstore purchases etc. are posted each month to your Tulane account.  You are responsible for your Tulane bill.  If you see something on your bill that you do not understand, you should ask questions promptly to Tulane Accounts Receivable.

The School of Science and Engineering does not provide tax forms or changes for graduate students. All tax forms from Tulane University are provided by the accounting departments of Tulane University as they are up to date and understand how to create the important W2 and 1098-T Tax forms. In addition, the Tulane School of Science and Engineering does not provide tax guidance or preparation advice to students. Tulane Law School does have a volunteer tax assistance program.

Credit Transfer Form and Dual Credit 4+1 Program Form

Only graduate level courses can be considered regarding credit transfers counting towards a graduate degree.  The grade on these transfer courses must be a B or higher grade level to meet graduate program requirements.

PhD Students Candidacy and Prospectus Forms

These forms should be turned in at least 6 months before applying to graduate. Electronic signatures are accepted. Please email completed forms to

Dean's Travel Funding Opportunity for Graduate Students on Stipend

Criteria for applying for the Dean's Travel Funding:

Tulane is moving to requiring all graduate students to book their travel reservations in Concur.  Check with your department to ask if they can assist you in being added to Concur.

 All travel is now being reimbursed using Concur, please note the changes to submitting documentation for reimbursement that is mentioned in the list below.

  1. Must be a PhD student in the School of Science and Engineering (in their first 6 years of graduate study)
  2. Must maintain continuous enrollment (Must be enrolled in at least the 9990 course to receive funding)
  3. Student must be supported by their department as either a Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant or Fellowship
  4. Student must be in good academic standing (cannot be on academic probation)
  5. Student must be a presenter at the conference and must show proof that they presented at the conference.
  6. We do not reimburse students for travel to workshops, conferences, etc. where they are only attending the event.
  7. As the travel is reimbursed using Concur, please provide an electronic copy of the receipt in which you are being reimbursed.
  8. You will be reimbursed AFTER the conference and presentation
  9. You must book your travel in Concur in order to be reimburse
  10. Please note the maximum amount that can be awarded each year is $300.

You may only be awarded travel funding once per year.  Once per year refers to the academic calendar year, which runs from September 1st to August 31st.

The award can be used to cover hotel, conference registration (not membership fees), airfare, Uber/Lyft, Taxi and car rental.  This award cannot be used to cover food or miscellaneous expenses.

Application for Dean's travel award period chart:

Conference Start DateApplication Deadline
September 1 - December  31 August 15 - by 5pm CST
January 1 - April 30December 15th - by 5pm CST
May 1 - August 31April 15th - by 5pm CST

Awards will be announced via e-mail approximately two weeks after the deadline.

After you attend the Conference (within 10 days after returning from the conference):

  • Please email (using separate attachments) the receipt(s) and proof of presentation
  • DO NOT bring me a hard/printed out copy your travel information as all information must be submitted electronically

Leave of Absence

Students taking a Medical Leave of Absence, must go through the Tulane Case Managment and file, sign and return the required paperwork.  Students who take a leave of absence cannot be enrolled back into the program until after they have been cleared and approved by Tulane Case Management.  Failure to complete and return the correct paperwork will result in unnecessary Tulane billing issues and holds on student accounts.  Students taking a leave of absence after mid-terms are typically not allowed to enroll in the next semester.  For example, if you take a medical leave of absence after mid-terms in the fall semester, you cannot enroll and take classes in the spring semester.