
Tulane Engineering Hall of Fame (1994 – 2006)

Individuals inducted into the Tulane University School of Engineering Hall of Fame should have accomplished a professional career marked by distinction and evidence of national or international recognition. Inductees should have demonstrated a long-term record of service and dedication to the Tulane University School of Engineering. The election of an individual to the Engineering Hall of Fame should serve not only to recognize and honor the individual, but should also serve to honor the School of Engineering. Hall of Fame induction is the highest School honor bestowed by the School of Engineering. Induction into the Tulane Engineering Hall of Fame takes place at the Society of Tulane Engineers Annual Meeting with the unveiling of a plaque in the Hall of Fame display area. The recipient is also recognized at the Engineering Commencement and, if he/she is still living, is asked to address the graduates and their guests.

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Outstanding Alumnus Award (1974 – 2005)

The recipient must be an alumna/us of the School and should have definable career accomplishments and/or excellence in her/his chosen field of endeavor. Other criteria that may be used include:

  • Service to the University/School
  • Service to the Community
  • Volunteer Involvement
  • Awards from Other Organizations
  • Financial Contributions to the University/School

The award is conferred by the Dean of Engineering at the Society of Tulane Engineers Annual Meeting.

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Harold A. Levey Award (1959 – 2005)

Presented annually to recognize an alumna/us of the School for professional achievement during the five to ten year period after graduation. The award is for professional achievement in any area of Engineering activity and the recipient should have applied her/his Engineering knowledge in outstanding manner in design, inventions, developments, publications, or in administration or teaching. The award is conferred by the Dean of Engineering at the Society of Tulane Engineers Annual Meeting.

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