
SSE faculty and students are active researchers where scientist and engineers work together on thematic challenges of mutual concern and where students, regardless of their major, have the opportunity to become familiar with concepts and methods of both science and engineering. In order for SSE to address the pressing challenges of energy, health, the environment at every level of academia and our local community, there are opportunities to engage and support. To continue making an impact, we must continue to attract and retain the best faculty and students. Also, in order for our local community to thrive, we believe it is important to support K-12 STEM education. Major philanthropic gifts allow you to support the aspirations of students, attract stellar new faculty, initiate groundbreaking new programs, or transform facilities. While we feel it is important to share these funding priorities with you, please understand that every contribution is vital to SSE addressing these challenges.

Create an Endowed Fund

Support a Capital Infrastructure Project

Provide for General Support

Support a Specific Project

For additional information about supporting the School of Science and Engineering please contact Anne Fuselier at 504.862.8386.

Give to SSE