
Funded Projects

The Jurist Center provides research support for the following projects:


  • Graph Neural Networks for Software Security (Cristian Garces, Jiang Ming): Resolving indirect control flow is one of the fundamental challenges in software security analysis. Many analysis algorithms and security techniques rely on a precise indirect control flow result, such as recursive disassembling, control flow integrity, data-flow analysis, etc. This project explores how deep learning can be applied to indirect control flow resolving problems. The graph is a natural representation used in the program analysis domain. We utilize the graph neural network in our augmented control flow graph to learn how to predict indirect callees. We translate the indirect callee prediction problem into a graph's edge prediction problem. This work is under review for publication.
  • Calibrating Deep Learning Models (Yunbei Zhang, Jihun Hamm): The student worked on the problem of calibrating deep learning models whose goal is to improve reliability of the predicted confidence output in addition to the usual performance measures such as accuracy. Ensuring good calibration of deep learning predictions is become more and more important for trustworthy applications as it allows one to make informed decisions based on the model output. Over the summer, the student developed novel techniques to improve calibration, evaluated the impact of the methods on different model architectures, and established best practices for implementing calibrated deep learning models across various application domains. 
  • Making Human-Like Moral Decisions (Disa Sariola, Nicholas Mattei): This project conducts an analysis of human subjects data in order to guide automated decision making in diverse environments.  The goal is to develop AI agents that can mimic human behavior in these ethically constrained decision environments, with a long term research goal to use AI to help humans in making better moral judgments and actions.
  • Forecasting Vaccination Decisions using Social Media (Xintian Li, Aron Culotta): The goal of this project is to understand how COVID-19 vaccination decisions are made by analyzing social media data. Xintian’s work develops natural language processing methods to extract personal expressions of vaccination intent from social media, and to develop forecasting models to predict how evacuation intent will evolve during the course of the pandemic.
  • Improving the Efficiency of Large Language Models (Sofiia Druchyna, Lu Peng): The goal of this project is to analyze recent LLM models running on 1-2 GPUs from an architectural perspective. The project will analyze the tradeoff among resource usage, power consumption, and model accuracy. A potential approximate model can be proposed to simplify the LLM models.


Faculty Profiles

Our faculty lead projects across a broad array of artificial intelligence topics, including machine learning, multi-agent systems, computer vision, natural language processing, visualization, and ethics. Below is a sample of such projects: