
(Leon) Victor Bankston | Professor of Practice
Ph.D., 2024, Tulane University
Quantum computation/information, combinatorial designs, optimization.

Aron Culotta | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2008, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Social network analysis, natural language processing, data science, machine learning.

Zhengming (Allan) Ding | Assistant Professor*
Ph.D., 2018, Northeastern University
Computer vision and machine learning, with a focus on developing scalable algorithms to learn robust representations from large-scale data

Rebecca Faust | Assistant Professor*
Ph.D., 2021, University of Arizona
Visualization and human-AI interaction with a focus on using visualization to enable explainable, human-in-the-loop analysis methods

Jihun Hamm | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2008, University of Pennsylvania
Machine Learning: adversarial machine learning, deep learning, privacy and security, optimization, nonlinear dimensionality reduction.

Saad Hassan | Assistant Professor*
Ph.D., 2023, Rochester Institute of Technology
Accessible Computing, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Computational Social Science, with a focus on AI-powered technologies to facilitate inclusion, learning, and creative expression for individuals with disabilities.

Nicholas Mattei | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2012, University of Kentucky
Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Decision Making, Preferences

Aaron Maus  | Senior Professor of Practice and Associate Department Chair
Ph.D., 2019, University of New Orleans
Protein Structure Comparison and Analysis Techniques, Protein Energy Functions and Minimization Protocols

Ramgopal Mettu | Associate Professor* and Faculty Director of the Online Computer Science Masters Program
Ph.D., 2002, University of Texas, Austin
Focused on the design and analysis of algorithms with guarantees on running time and solution quality that are necessary for the principled study of experimental and biological phenomena.

Jiang Ming | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2016, The Pennsylvania State University
Software and Systems Security.

Lu Peng | Professor* and Yahoo! Founder Chair in the School of Science and Engineering 
Ph.D., 2005, University of Florida
Computer architecture, big data analytics and distributed systems, deep learning accelerators and applications, blockchain accelerators and applications.

Hridesh Rajan | Professor* and Dean of the School of Science and Engineering
Ph.D., 2005, University of Virginia
Software Engineering, Programming Languages, Data Science.

Alireza Shirvani | Professor of Practice
Ph.D., 2021, University of Kentucky | University of New Orleans
Game Development, Computational Narrative, Artificial intelligence for Games.

Brian Summa | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2013, University of Utah
Large data processing, scientific visualization, computer graphics, scalable algorithms, large data file formats, stream processing, progressive processing, interactive techniques, digital photography, scientific data, image processing, computational topology for data analysis, high performance computing, energy minimization, and energy approximations.

Matthew Toups | Professor of Practice
M.S., 2016, University of New Orleans
Computer science pedagogy, systems programming, network and software security, distributed systems, geospatial data systems.

Carola Wenk | Professor and Chair*
Ph.D., 2002, Freie Universität Berlin
Algorithms and computational geometry, with a focus on shape matching algorithms and interdisciplinary applications ranging from computational biology to intelligent transportation systems.

Zizhan Zheng | Associate Professor*
Ph.D., 2010, Ohio State University
AI Security and Safety, Reinforcement Learning, Networks


Emeritus Faculty

Michael Mislove | Professor*
Ph.D., 1969, University of Tennessee
Topological Algebra, Domain Theory, Ordered Structures, Category Theory, Non-well-founded Set Theory, the Semantics of High-Level Programming Languages, Concurrency Theory, Process Algebra and Probabilistic Models.

* Identifies members of graduate faculty