Michael William Mislove, Ph.D.
Professor Emeritus of Mathematics Department

Education & Affiliations
Professor Mislove is chairman of the Computer Science department. He is also Pendergraft Herbert Buchanan Professor of Mathematics. Professor Mislove's interests include domain theory, category theory, logic and the foundations of mathematics on the mathematical side, and in computer science, his interests include programming language theory, computational models, especially models of probabilistic systems, and applications to security. Professor Mislove has been a member of the Tulane faculty since 1970; he received his PhD from the University of Tennessee, and he has held visiting positions at the University of Oxford, the University of Paris VII, the University of Tuebingen, Germany, and the Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt, Germany. He is a former Fulbright scholar and a former Stipendiat of the alexander von Humboldt Stiftiung.
Professional Background
- 1979 – Present: Professor, Tulane University
- 1982 – 1984: Chairman, Department of Mathematics Tulane University
- 1975 – 1979: Associate Professor, Tulane University
- 1970 – 1975: Assistant Professor, Tulane University
Visiting Positions
- 1995 , 1997, 1998, 1999, 2001: Professeur Associe, Universite de Paris VII
- 1991: Visiting Professor, Programming Research Group University of Oxford, England
- 1988,1989,1990 (Summers): IBM Summer Faculty, Yorktown Heights, NY
- 1984: Senior Visitor, Mathematical Institute University of Oxford, England
- 1978,1982 (Summers): Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany
- 1976: Gastprofessor, Mathematisches Institut Universitat Tubingen, Germany
- 1970: Visiting Assistant Professor
- 1970: University of Florida, Gainesville
Research Interests
Mathematics: Topological Algebra, Domain Theory, Ordered Structures, Category Theory, Non-well-founded Set Theory
Theoretical Computer Science: Semantics of High-level Programming Languages, Concurrency Theory, Process Algebra and Probabilistic Models