Spring 2025 Series
Seminars start at 11:00 AM unless otherwise noted.
Friday, January 31
Sexual selection in the little-known Kinda baboon
Dr. Megan Petersdorf | Tulane University, Department of Anthropology
LBC, Room 212
Friday, February 7
From Microbes to Genes: Exploring Biodiversity Mechanisms in Tropical Forests
Dr. Rosa Soria Penafiel | Tulane University, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
LBC, Room 212
Friday, March 14
The dual role of parental conflict in speciation
Dr. Jenn Coughlan | Yale University
Seminar Location TBA
Friday, March 21
Belowground regulation of aboveground dynamics: How soil microbes shape species coexistence in plant communities
Dr. Guarav Kandlikar | Louisiana State University
Boggs, Room 600
Friday, March 28
Is the world wormier than it used to be? Answers from a new sub-discipline: The historical ecology of parasitism
Dr. Chelsea Wood | University of Washington
Seminar Location TBA
Friday, April 4
Public Dissertation Defense of Luke Anderson of the Karubian Lab
Eco-evolutionary signals in the rainforest and the genome: sexual selection across scales in the genus Manacus
Seminar Location TBA
Monday, May 5
Public Dissertation Defense of Wayne Wang of the Gunderson Lab
Lizard sperm in a changing environment: The physiological and evolutionary ecology of male reproductive physiology
Boggs, Room 600