Stephen A. Nelson

Professor Emeritus

School of Science & Engineering
Stephen A. Nelson


Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Room 203 Blessey Hall
New Orleans, LA 70118

Courses Taught

EENS 1110 Physical Geology

EENS 3050 Natural Disasters

EENS 2110 Mineralogy

EENS 2120 Petrology

EENS 6340 The Earth

EENS 6140 Igneous Petrology

EENS 6680 Volcanology

TIDE 1220  Hurricanes and New Orleans

Education & Affiliations

Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1979
M.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1975
A.B., University of California, Berkeley, 1973


Dr. Nelson's research interests include Volcanology, Igneous Petrology, Mexican Volcanic Belt, Geological Hazards and Thermodynamics

Select Publications

Nelson, S.A., Myths of Katrina: Field Notes from a Geoscientist. The Minnesota Review, 2015(84): p 60-68, 2015.

Nelson, S.A. and Leclair, S.F., Katrina’s unique splay deposits in a New Orleans neighborhood. GSA Today, 16:4-9, 2006.

Nelson, S.A. E. Gonzalez-Caver and T.K. Kyser. Constrains on the origin of alkaline and calc-alkaline magmas from the Tuxtla volcanic field, Veracruz, Mexico. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 122:191-211. 1995.

Nelson, S.A. and E. Gonzalez-Caver. Geology and K-Ar dating of the Tuxtla volcanic field, Veracruz, Mexico. Bull. Volcanology. 55:85-96, 1992.

Verma, S.P., and Nelson, S.A.. Isotopic and trace-element constraints on the origin and evolution of calc-alkaline and alkaline magmas in the northwestern portion of the Mexican Volcanic Belt. J. Geophys. Res. 94:4531-44, 1989.

Grand Canyon