5067 Percival Stern Building
Education & Affiliations
Areas of current interest:
- Study of Complex Product Chemistries Using Molecular Beams
Physical Chemistry
Select Publications
Yan, J., Karpovych, V. and Sulkes, M., 2021. Pulsed laser surface heating: A tool for studying pyrolysis product chemistry in molecular beams. Chemical Physics Letters, 762, p.138122.
Kozliak, E., Sulkes, M., Smoliakova, I.P., Alhroub, I., Nespor, B., Yao, B. and Kubátová, A., 2020. Pathways toward PAH Formation during Fatty Acid and Triglyceride Pyrolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 124(37), pp.7559-7574.
Kozliak, E.; Sulkes, M.; Alhroub, I.; Kubátová, A.; Andrianova, A.; Seames, W. Influence of early stages of triglyceride cracking on the formation of PAHs as coke precursors. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2019, 21, 20189-20203.
Alhroub, I.; Kozliak, E.; Kubatova, A.; Sulkes, M. PAH/Aromatic Tar and Coke Precursor Formation in the Early Stages of Triglyceride (Triolein) Pyrolysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018, 122 (12), 3238-3249.
Mark Sulkes, “Measurement of Luminescence Decays: Methods and Instrumentation”, Encyclopedia of Luminescence, 2017. http://www.lumipedia.org/index.php?title=Measurement_of_Luminescence_De…
Luning He and Mark Sulkes, "Chemical intermediate detection following corona discharge on volatile organic compounds: general method using molecular beam techniques", J. Phys. D, 44, 274006 (2011).
Luning He and Mark Sulkes, "Post Discharge Chemistry of Aromatic Molecules in Rare Gas", Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing, DOI 10.1007/s11090-011-9324-1, 2011.
Mark Sulkes and Zoe Sulkes, "Measurement of luminescence decays: High performance at low cost", Am. J. Phys. 79, 1104 (2011).
Wei Shen and Mark Sulkes, "High Temperature Pulsed Solenoid Valve, Rev. Sci. Instr.", Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 016101 (2010).
Luning He, Wei Shen and Mark Sulkes, "Early Chemical Intermediates Following Corona Discharge on Benzene Derivatives: CH Addition Favored Products", Chem. Phys. Lett., 471, 210 (2009).
R. Subramanian, M. Sulkes, "Production of a slit skimmer for use in cold supersonic molecular beams", Review of Scientific Instruments, 79 (1), 016101 (2008).