How to Declare the Major

  1. Download this fillable declaration form and email it to Sherrie Calogero at, to receive your newly assigned major advisor.
  2. You should have this course audit form when you meet with your advisor.
  3. Contact your newly assigned major advisor via email to set up an advising appointment.
  4. Meet with your neuroscience advisor to discuss your plan for completing the major. During this meeting, you and your advisor should discuss the requirements for the major, the availability of courses (e.g., some courses are only taught during specific semesters, some courses have specific pre-requisites, etc.), and your plans for postgraduate study and your career. Your advisor should sign the completed course audit form and the major declaration form.
  5. The signed course audit and the major declaration forms should be emailed to Sherrie Calogero. We will sign the major declaration form and make copies of both the declaration form and your course audit form which will be added to a file created especially for you!
  6. Turn in the major declaration form (signed by both your neuroscience advisor and the neuroscience office) to your Newcomb-Tulane advisor.
  7. Once you declare your Neuroscience major, you will be added to our CANVAS page for Neuroscience Majors. Here you will find valuable information about ways to fulfill the major requirements, forms for signing up for independent study and internships, and many career preparation materials. 
  8. Stay in contact with your neuroscience advisor, meeting him/her at least once per year to help insure the success of your program of study.

Helpful Hints

  • Read the information from the neuroscience major web page carefully.
  • The major declaration form is attached above, just hit the link. It is also available at the Undergraduate Advising Center.
  • If you have any questions about this process, please contact Sherrie Calogero.