December 2010
- Congratulations to Maher Fathalla who has successfully defended his PhD dissertation! Maher will start a post-doc with Prof. Fraser Stoddart at Northwestern University in Jan 2011.
September 2010
- Rob Mishur will start a post-doc at The University of Texas Health Science Center with Prof. Shane Rea.
July 2010
- Group's work on heteromeric porphyrin nanowires assembled in water is published as a communication in JACS.
- JJ receives the Doctoral New Investigator Award from the American Chemical Society to work on the Self-Assembly of Directional Porphyrin Arrays in Water
- Group participates in a collaborative Tulane-Xavier Vaccine Development Engineering Project funded by the Department of Defense.
June 2010
- Undergraduate Research Almuni Matthew Griffin will attend chemistry graduate school at the California Institute of Technology.
- Undergraduate Research Almuni Anne Kane will attend medical school at Louisiana State University.
January 2010
- Graduate student Mengyuan Zhu joins group
November 2009
- Maher's Eur. J. Org. Chem. article is picked as "EurBest" by the editors. This article is also amongst the most accessed for this month.
October 2009
- JJ receives a grant from the Tulane Provost's Fund for Faculty-Student Scholarly Engagement
September 2009
- Maher's manuscript on stilbene-linked bis-porphyrin tweezers that sequester fullerenes is published in the European Journal of Organic Chemistry
August 2009
- Board of Regents Fellow Cooper Battle joins group
June 2009
- JJ received the Louisiana Board of Regent Research Competitiveness Grant to work on "DNA-Small Molecule Chimeras: Stimuli Responsive Protein-Binding Agents"
- A joint review article, with the Sessler Group, on base-pair mediated non-convalent polymers is published in Chemical Society Reviews.
- Groups work on Self-Assembled Fullerene-Porphyrin Nanotubes is published in Chemical Communications.
- Maher Receives a Travel Award from the Organic Chemistry Division of the American Chemical Society to Present at the 238th ACS National Conference in Washington DC.
May 2009
- Undergraduate Researchers Anne Kane (Anthropology Major and Chem Minor) and Benjamin Sacs (Cell and Molecular Biology Major) Graduate from Tulane
- Matthew Griffin and Anne Kane win Chemistry Department Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate Research.
February 2009
- Group's work on the Protein Recognition of a Functionalized Hemin Binding Aptamer is published in Supramolecular Chemistry.
October 2008
- JJ appointed as a Contributing Member of the Tulane Cancer Center Group's work on responsive and regulable protein binders is published in JACS
September 2008
- JJ appointed as a Fellow of the Newcomb College Institute
August 2008
- Dr. Robert Mishur, National Institutes of Health Post-Doctoral Research Training Awardee, joins group to work at the interface of chemistry and lung biology
June 2008
- David Harrie receives the Arlo Harris Scholarship Award (2007-2008).
- John-Tae Lee, LS-LAMP Participant joins the group for summer research.
April 2008
- Tulane Chemistry Department (JJ as Co-PI) awarded BOR-Enhancement Grant to upgrade mass-spectrometry facilities
- JJ attends an invited Junior Faculty Career Success Workshop at Rice University
- Maher wins a CCR travel award to attend a Leadership Skills Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdocs at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Council for Chemical Research
February 2008
- Tulane Chemistry Department acquires state of the art Olis RSM 1000 Circular Dichroism Spectropolarimeter
January 2008
- Graduate Student Xiaoye Su, China Scholarship Council Fellow joins the group.
November 2007
- Professor JJ receives Tulane Research Enhancement Award.
August 2007
- Graduate Students Nan Zhang and Xiaozhu Chu joins group
- Graduate Student David Harris awarded Board of Regents Fellowship
- Graduate Student Maher Fathalla Anwer Fathalla, Eqyptian Government Fellow, joins group.