Xin Lu, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

(504) 862-3173
Office Address
5036 Percival Stern Hall
School of Science & Engineering
Photo of Dr. Xin Lu in Red Scarf

Education & Affiliations

Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University (2017)


Dr Lu’s research interest lies at the interface of quantum optics and material science in two-dimensional van der Waals structure.


Recent Publications

Google Scholar Link


1. W. Li, X. Lu, S. Dubey, L. Devenica and A. Srivastava. Dipolar interactions between field-tuneable, localized emitters in van der Waals heterostructures. Nature Materials 19, 624-629, 2020.

2. X. Lu, X. Chen, S. Dubey, Q. Yao, W. Li, X. Wang, Q. H. Xiong and A. Srivastava. Optical initialization of a single spin-valley in charged WSe2 quantum dots. Nature Nanotechnology 14, 426-431, 2019.

3.  X. Chen, X. Lu, S. Dubey, Q. Yao, S. Liu, X. Wang, Q. H. Xiong, L. Zhang and A. Srivastava. Entanglement of single-photons and chiral phonons in atomically thin WSe2. Nature Physics 15, 221-227, 2019.

4. X. Lu, M. I. B. Utama, X. Wang, W. Xu, W. Zhao, M. H. S. Owen and Q. H. Xiong. Gate‐Tunable Resonant Raman Spectroscopy of Bilayer MoS2. Small, 13 (35), 1701039, 2017.