Michelle Hewlett Sanchez

Senior Professor of Practice

Director of the Tulane Center for K-12 STEM Education
(504) 865-5088
School of Science & Engineering


School of Science and Engineering
Lindy Boggs Suite 201
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118

Education & Affiliations

B.S.E. Computer Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (2004)
M.S. Electrical Engineering, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA (2005)
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (2011)


Dr. Sanchez's research interests include K-12 STEM Education.


Recent Publications

Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Aaron Lawson, Dimitra Vergyri, and Harry Bratt, "Multi-System Fusion of Extended Context Prosodic and Cepstral Features for Paralinguistic Speaker Trait Classification," in Interspeech, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2012.

Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Dimitra Vergyri, Luciana Ferrer, Colleen Richey, Pablo Garcia, Bruce Knoth, and William Jarrold, "Using Prosodic and Spectral Features in Detecting Depression in Elderly Males," in Interspeech, Florence, Italy, 2011.

Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Luciana Ferrer, Elizabeth Shriberg, and Andreas Stolcke, "Constrained Cepstral Speaker Recognition Using Matched UBM and JFA Training," in Interspeech, Florence, Italy, 2011.

Michelle Hewlett Sanchez, Gokhan Tur, Luciana Ferrer, and Dilek Hakkani-Tur, "Domain Adaptation and Compensation for Emotion Detection," in Interspeech, Makuhari, Japan, 2010.


BMEN/ENGP 2020/2021: Computational Concepts and Applications
ENGP 3140: Digital Logic Systems
SCEN 2070/2890: Communicating Science: STEM Enrichment
SCEN 4570/SRVC 4890: STEM Education Internship