
Approved: October 25, 1969
Amended: April 6, 2001
Amended: July 13, 2004
Amended: June 16, 2006
Amended: October 26, 2007
Amended:  November 6, 2015


The name of this organization shall be the Board of Advisors of the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering.


The domicile of the organization shall be the City of New Orleans, Louisiana.


The purpose shall be to work for the best interests of the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering and to advise the Dean and Faculty in this regard.


The membership shall consist of no more than 61 persons dedicated to the interests of the Tulane University School of Science and Engineering, no more than 60 of whom are appointed by the Dean with the approval of the Executive Committee and serve staggered terms of three years each, and one member of the Tulane University Board of Administrators appointed by its Chair. A member may serve an unlimited number of successive terms if reappointed by the Dean and approved by the Executive Committee. Former members of the Board may be appointed to emeritus status upon request provided they have completed at least one full term on the Board. The Dean may appoint up to five ex officio members to the Board subject to approval by a majority of the entire membership of the Board.

Responsibilities of Board Members

Members of the Board shall have the following responsibilities:

  • Regularly attend Board meetings and serve on and attend meetings of committees to which they have been assigned.
  • Serve as ambassadors for the School of Science and Engineering and promote the School to prospective students, employers, supporters, and the community at large.
  • Financially support the School of Science and Engineering with an annual donation no less than the Tulane Associates level ($1500) and commit to a philanthropic gift, within their means, during their tenure on the Board.


The Board of Advisors shall serve without monetary compensation.


There shall be the following officers each having the rights, powers, and duties usual and customary to such office:

  • President
  • President-Elect
  • Vice President (New Orleans Area)
  • Vice President (Out of Town)

Officers shall be elected by the Board from its membership at large and shall serve for a term of two years, and may serve unlimited successive terms if elected thereto. The officers and the Immediate Past President shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Board and may be called upon by the Dean or the President of the Board as needed.

Election of Officers

Nominations for officers to be elected by the Board shall be solicited by the Dean. Election of officers by the Board shall be administered electronically by the Office of the Dean. The electronic ballot shall list all approved nominations and contain space for write-in candidates.


The Board shall meet in New Orleans each fall and each spring and may meet at such other times and places as may be called by the President, due notice being given. Members are expected to attend at least one-half of the scheduled meetings during their term in order to be eligible for re-appointment. A meeting shall be called on petition of a majority of its members.


The meetings shall be governed by Roberts’ Rules of Order, and the Board may make such additional rules and bylaws as it deems necessary to conduct its affairs.


There shall be such standing and special committees as the President shall appoint at his/her discretion or the Board’s direction.


These Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a vote of the majority of the entire membership; or if ten days previous notice has been given in writing to all members stating the nature of the amendment, may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those voting, a quorum being present.