The School of Science and Engineering supports a number of student organizations including:
American Chemical Society, Tulane Chapter
Advisor: Mark Fink
President: Britta Pellegrin
American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
Advisor: Katie Russell
President: AC Nussbaum
Astronomy Club of Tulane (ACT) - Inactive
Biomedical Sciences Student Association
Advisor: William Wimley
President: Clay Christian
Biomedical Engineering Society
Advisor: Donald Gaver
President: Alejandro Saul Chavez Munoz
Biomedical Innovation for Global Impact
Advisor: Carolyn Bayer
President: Jeannette Nyiramana
Blockchain Club - Inactive
Cookies and Code
Advisor: Alireza Shirvani
President: Christopher Lewis
Earth Science Club
Advisor: Jeff Agnew
President: Kayla Willis
Engineers Without Borders - Tulane
Advisor: Doug Chrisey
President: Matthew Graf
Equity in Technology
Advisor: Jacquelyn Howard
President: Aaliyah Randall
IEEE - Inactive
Math Club
Advisor: Victor Moll
President: David Webster
Minority Association of Pre-Medical Students (MAPS)
Advisor: Duc Huynh
President: Indrakshi Tiwari
National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE)
Advisor: Carolyn Barber-Pierre & Mykel Green
President: Eferoghene Okakuro
Pinky Swear
Advisor: Beth Wee
President: Mandi Valdez
Pre-Dental Society - Inactive
Pre-Medical Society
Advisor: Kathleen Maier
President: Jazlynn Leung
Pre-PA Society
Advisor: Kathleen Maier
Psychology Club/Psi Chi
Advisor: Alex Zaballero Sims
President: Oreen Cohen
Science and Engineering Student Government (SSESG)
Advisor: Beth Wee
President: Isabella Kulstad
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
Advisors: Katie Ferris & Alex Gunderson
President: Judith Santano
Society of Physics Students
Advisor: Louis McLane
President: Kendall Jarvis
Society of Women Engineers (SWE)
Advisors: Julie Albert & Jacquelyne Howard
President: Catherine Hawkins
The Tulane Undergraduate Affiliate of the American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BEAST) - Inactive
Tulane Chapter of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists - Inactive
Tulane University Neuroscience Association (TUNA)
Advisor: Katie Black
President: Sydney Munion
Women in Science (WIS)
Advisor: Jelagat Cheruiyot
President: Isabella Webb
SSE Honorary Societies
Alpha Eta Mu Beta (Biomedical Engineering) - Inactive
Alpha Lambda Delta
Advisor: Julie Henriquez
President: Kaylee Bowers
Chi Omega Lambda (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology) - Inactive
Golden Key National Honor Society - Inactive
Mortar Board (Scholarship, Leadership and Service)
Advisor: Julie Henriquez
President: Aryanna Baytop
Nu Rho Psi (Neuroscience Honor Society)
Advisor: Dr. Beth Wee
Omega Chi Epsilon (Chemical Engineering) - Inactive
Omicron Delta Kappa - Inactive
Phi Eta Sigma (Freshmen Scholarship) - Inactive
Phi Sigma Pi (Scholarship)
Advisor: Kathryn Perrault
President: Richie Cantwell
Sigma Gamma Epsilon (Geology) - Inactive
Sigma Pi Sigma (Physics)
Advisor: Louis McLane
Tau Beta Pi (Engineering) - Inactive
Theta Tau
Advisor: Matt Barrios
President: Aubrey Augustine
Upsilon Pi Epsilon (Computer Science) - Inactive