Amanda J. M. Oliver
Adjunct Professor
Education & Affiliations
After receiving my bachelor’s degree, I began working for the Illinois Natural History Survey studying life history characteristics of an invasive plant. I moved from Illinois to Colorado and worked for the Colorado Division of Wildlife surveying plant communities throughout the Rocky Mountains.
My government career began when I moved to Missouri to get my master’s degree and began working for the St. Louis District Corps of Engineers. As a biologist and planner, I planned multimillion dollar restoration projects, wrote National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents, and conducted fisheries research.
My husband’s job took us to Canada and upon returning I began working as a contractor for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC). My work with ERDC involves utilizing elevation, gage, landcover, faunal and other geospatial datasets to address research questions, plan projects, and monitor outcomes. All my experiences have fed into my current research interest in the use of geospatial data to explain species distribution and the condition and trends in aquatic habitat.
Selected Publications
Oliver, A. J. M., C. E. Murphy, C. D. Little, Jr., and K. J. Killgore. 2016. Measuring Connectivity of Floodplain Waterbodies to the Lower Mississippi River. MRG&P Tech Note No. 1. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Guntren, E.F., A.J.M. Oliver, T.M. Keevin, and D.C. Williams. 2016. Change in Lower Mississippi River secondary channels: an atlas of bathymetric and photographic data. MRG&P Report No. 8, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, MS. 533 p.
Koch, B., R.C. Brooks, A. Oliver, D. Herzog, J.E. Garvey, R. Hrabik, R. Colombo, Q. Phelps, and T. Spier. 2012. Habitat selection and movement of naturally occurring pallid sturgeon in the Mississippi River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 141:112-120.
Oliver, A.J., C. Hong-Wa, J. Devonshire, K.R. Olea, G.F. Rivas, and M.K. Gahl. 2011. Avifauna richness enhanced in large, isolated urban parks. Landscape and Urban Planning. 102:215-225.