Wayne F. Reed, Ph.D.

Department of Physics
5068 Percival Stern Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
5048, 5058, 5062, 5070 Percival Stern Hall
Education & Affiliations
My research interests include Polymer Physics & Biophysics.
Recipient of Tulane SSE Outstanding Researcher Award (2012)
Recent Publications
G.A. Sorci, W.F. Reed, "Electrostatic and Association Phenomena in Aggregates of Polymers and Micelles", Langmuir, 18, 353-364, 2002
G.A. Sorci, W.F. Reed, "Electrostatically enhanced second and third virial coefficients, viscosity and interparticle correlations for linear polyelectrolytes", Macromolecules, 35, 5218-5227, 2002
A. Giz, A. Oncul Koc, H. Giz, A.M. Alb, W.F. Reed "Online monitoring of reactivity ratios, composition, sequence length, and molecular weight distributions during free radical copolymerization", Macromolecules, 35, 6557-6571, 2002.
G.A. Sorci, W.F. Reed, "Effect of valence and chemical species of added electrolyte on polyelectrolyte conformations and interactions", Macromolecules, 37, 554-565, 2004
E. Mignard, T. Leblanc, D. Bertin, O. Guerret, W.F. Reed, "Online monitoring of controlled radical polymerization: Nitroxide mediated gradient copolymerization", Macromolecules, 37, 966-975, 2004
R.S. Farinato, J. Calbick, G.A. Sorci, F.H. Florenzano, W.F. Reed, "Online monitoring of the final divergent growth phase in the stepgrowth polymerization of polyamines" Macromolecules, 38, 1148-1158, 2005
E. Mignard, J-F Lutz, T. Leblanc, K. Matyjaszewski, O. Guerret, W.F. Reed, “Kinetics and Molar Mass Evolution during Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization of n-Butyl Acrylate Using Automatic Continuous Online Monitoring.” Macromolecules, 38, 9556-9563, 2005
A.M. Alb, R. Farinato, J. Calbeck, W.F. Reed, “Online monitoring of polymerization reactions in inverse emulsions”, Langmuir, 22, 831-840, 2006
A.M. Alb, P. Enohnyaket, R. Shunmugam, G.N. Tew, W.F. Reed, “Quantitative contrasts in the copolymerization of acrylate and methacrylate monomers”, Macromolecules, 39, 8283-8292, 2006
A.M. Alb, P. Enohnyaket, J.F. Craymer, T. Eren, E.B. Coughlin, W.F. Reed, “Online monitoring of Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Cyclooctadiene and a Functionalized Norbornene”, Macromolecules, 40, 444-451, 2007
A. Paril, A.M. Alb, W.F. Reed, “Online Monitoring of the Evolution of Polyelectrolyte Characteristics during Postpolymerization Modification Processes” Macromolecules, 40, 4409-4413, 2007
Alina M. Alb, Algi Serelis, Wayne F. Reed “Kinetic trends in RAFT homopolymerization from online monitoring”, Macromolecules, 41, 332-338, 2008
Alina M. Alb, Wayne F. Reed, “Simultaneous monitoring of polymer
and particle characteristics during emulsion polymerization”, Macromolecules, 41, 2406-2414, 2008
Gemma Gonzalez Garcia, Tomasz Kreft, Alina M. Alb, José Carlos de la Cal, José M. Asúa, W. F. Reed, “Monitoring the synthesis and properties of copolymeric polycations”, J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 14597-14608, 2008
Tomasz Kreft, Wayne F. Reed, “Direct monitoring of the cross-over from diffusion controlled to decomposition controlled initiation in free radical polymerization”, Macromole. Chem. & Physics, 209, 24, 2463-2474, 2008
Alina M. Alb, Michael F. Drenski, Wayne F. Reed, “Simultaneous continuous, non-chromatographic monitoring and discrete chromatographic monitoring of polymerization reactions”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 13, 190-198, 2009
Tomasz Kreft, Wayne F. Reed, “Experimental observation of cross-over from non-condensed to counterion condensed regimes during free radical polyelectrolyte copolymerization under high composition drift conditions”, J. Phys. Chem. B., 113, 8303-8309, 2009
McFaul, Colin A.; Drenski, Michael F.; Alb, Alina M.; Reed, Wayne F. “Simultaneous Multiple Sample Light Scattering Detection Of LCST During Copolymer Synthesis”, Polymer, 2011, 4825-4833. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2011.08.026
Michael F. Drenski, Mark L. Brader, Roy W. Alston, Wayne F. Reed “Monitoring Protein Aggregation Kinetics with Simultaneous Multiple Sample Light Scattering (SMSLS)” Analytical Biochemistry, 437, 185-197, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.ab.2013.02.014
Zifu Zhu, Wayne F. Reed, “Enhanced Supra-micellar assembly by hydrophobic dopants”, Langmuir, 29, 10376-10382, 2013. DOI: 10.1021/la402107z
Book edited: Monitoring Polymerization Reactions: From Fundamentals to Applications. Eds. Alina M. Alb, Wayne F. Reed. Book invited by Wiley Interscience. Released January 2014. ISBN 978-0-470-91738-1
Book Chapter: Michael F. Drenski, Mark L. Brader, and Wayne F. Reed, “Simultaneous Multiple Sample Light Scattering (SMSLS) for continuous monitoring of protein aggregation”, Chapter 6 in Technologies for Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibody Characterization, Volume 3. Eds. John Schiehl, Oleg Borisov, American Chemical Society, Wash D.C., 2015
Zifu Zhu and Wayne F. Reed, “Polymeric suppression of dopant enhanced surfactant supramicellar assemblies”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 216, 2, 2015, 205–210, DOI: 10.1002/macp.201400341
N. Ghadipasha, A. Geraili, J.A. Romagnoli, C. A. Castor Jr., N. W. F. Reed, “First Steps towards Online Optimal Control of Molecular Weight in Batch and Semi-batch Free-Radical Polymerization Reactors”, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 2016, 38, 1129-1134
Gregory V. Barnett, Michael Drenski, Vladimir Razinkov, Wayne F. Reed, Christopher J. Roberts, “Identifying protein aggregation mechanisms and quantifying aggregation rates from combined monomer depletion and continuous light scattering”, Analytical Biochemistry, 2016, 511, 80-91
Terry McAfee, Natalie Leonardi, Rick Montgomery, Julia Siqueira, Thomas Zekoski, Michael F. Drenski, Wayne F. Reed, “Automatic control of polymer molecular weight during synthesis”, Macromolecules, 49 (19), 7170-7183, 2016, DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b01522
Natalie Leonardi, Rick D. Montgomery, Julia Siqueira, Terry McAfee, Michael F. Drenski, Wayne F. Reed, “Automatic synthesis of multimodal polymers”, J. Macromolecular Engineering, 2017, vol. 11, issue 4, 1-13, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mren.201600072
Terry McAfee, Rick D. Montgomery, Thomas Zekoski, Aide Wu, Wayne F. Reed, “Automatic, simultaneous control of polymer composition and molecular weight during free radical copolymer synthesis” Feature Article, Polymer, 2018, 136, 235-247. DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2017.12.005
Salas, S. D.; Ghadipasha, N.; Zhu, W.; Mcafee, T.; Zekoski, T.; Reed, W. F.; Romagnoli, J. A."Framework Design for Weight-Average Molecular Weight Control in Semi-Batch Polymerization”, 2018, Control Engineering Practice, 78, 12-23. DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2018.06.004
Curtis W. Jarand, Wayne F. Reed, “On the reproducibility of early stage thermally induced and contact-stir induced protein aggregation”, J. Physical Chem. B, 2018, 122, 9361−9372
John F. Anderson, Michael F. Drenski, Curtis W. Jarand, Anton Dudko, and Wayne F. Reed “A polarization sensitive light scattering unit for high throughput screening”, Review of Scientific Instruments 89, 113109, 2018; doi: 10.1063/1.5050824
Wayne F. Reed, “Automatic Continuous Online Monitoring and Control of Polymerization Reactions (ACOMP) and Related Methods”, 2019, Wiley Online Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry
“Reciprocal braking and acceleration between acrylic and styrenic comonomers in RAFT and free radical copolymerization”, Julia S. Siqueira, Fabio H. Florenzano, Wayne F. Reed. Polymer, 226, 2021
"Angle-dependent effects in DLS measurements of polydisperse particles", Jin Lin, Curtis W. Jarand, Mark Brader, Wayne F. Reed, 2021, Measurement Science and Technology, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ac42b2 (Moderna/Tulane collaboration)
Julia S. Siqueira, Matthew Crosley, Wayne F. Reed, "Kinetic and mechanistic action of oxygen in aqueous free radical and RAFT polymerization", J Phys Chem B, 2022, 126 (51), 10933-10947. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c06067
Curtis W. Jarand, Karen Baker, Matt Petroff, Mi Jin, Wayne F. Reed, “DNA released by adeno-associated virus strongly alters capsid aggregation kinetics in a physiological solution”, (Spark Therapeutcs/Tulane collaboration), Biomacromolecules, 2024, 25, 2890-2901
Wayne F. Reed, Textbook: “Biophysics: Physical Principles Underlying the Living State”, Wiley Publishers, Completed 5/31/2023. Estimated release of textbook 10/2024
Curt W. Jarand, Lanie McLeod, Wayne F. Reed, “Dialysis Monitoring of Ionic Strength and Denaturant Effects, and Their Reversibility, for Various Classes of Macromolecules”, Biomacromolecules, 2024, https://pubs.acs.org/action/showCitFormats?doi=10.1021/acs.biomac.4c00583&ref=pdf
Patents and Entrepreneurship
Currently over 20 patents in the areas of characterization of polymers and biologic drugs
Co-founder of Fluence Analytics, Inc., Tulane spinoff company, acquired by Yokogawa Electric (Tokyo) in 2023. Now Yokogawa Fluence Analytics
PHYS 2350/2360 – Introduction to Modern Physics I & II
PHYS 3210/6210 – Molecular Biophysics
PHYS 3630 – Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 4650 – Optics