Environmental control

Paula Burch-Celentano

Since 2011, the Food and Drug Administration has approved roughly 200 novel drugs, of which approximately 25 percent are produced by cells. Tulane researchers in the laboratory of Anne Robinson (pictured), professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, grow flasks of mammalian cells in different environments to better understand the conditions which impact the quality of cell-produced medicines.


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Tulane researchers contribute to development of new pharmaceuticals.
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<img src="https://news.tulane.edu/sites/default/files/110717-anne-skaja-robinson800-pbc-9641.jpg" width="800" height="533" alt="Tulane researchers contribute to development of new pharmaceuticals." title="Tulane researchers in the laboratory of Anne Robinson (pictured), professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering, grow flasks of mammalian cells in different environments to better understand the conditions which impact the robustness and quality of c">
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