
Paula Burch-Celentano

Hibiscus bloom abundantly in the Louisiana Native Garden outside the Merryl and Sam Israel Jr. Environmental Sciences Building on the uptown campus. Known for its hardy nature and showy flowers, the hibiscus plant has been used to make tea for centuries. Today, the flowers can also be found in syrups and jams.


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Hibiscus blooms strike a pose in the Louisiana Nature Garden on the uptown campus.
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<img src="https://news.tulane.edu/sites/default/files/092018-flower800-pbc-4869.jpg" width="800" height="533" alt="Hibiscus blooms strike a pose in the Louisiana Nature Garden on the uptown campus." title="Hibiscus bloom abundantly in the Louisiana Native Garden outside the Merryl and Sam Israel Jr. Environmental Sciences Building on the uptown campus.">
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