River gate

Paula Burch-Celentano

Located on the eastbank of the Mississippi River just north of the Crescent City Connection, the Tulane River and Coastal Center, left, managed by the ByWater Institute, is home to active research laboratories, staging areas for field operations and other efforts that support coastal resilience and protection, and awareness of local community needs through environmantal education and outreach.

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 The Tulane River and Coastal Center supports research across disciplines to address the changing environment.
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<img src="https://news.tulane.edu/sites/default/files/050818-tulane-river-coastal-center800-pbc-3960.jpg" width="800" height="533" alt="The Tulane River and Coastal Center supports research across disciplines to address the changing environment." title="Located on the Mississippi River just north of the Crescent City Connection, the Tulane River and Coastal Center, left, managed by the ByWater Institute, is home to active research laboratories.">
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