Tulane BME Hosts 21st Annual Undergraduate Research & Design Conference

BME Senior Swathi Katakam presents her research.
BME Senior Swathi Katakam presents her research on photoacoustic measurements regarding melanin concentrations.

The Tulane University Biomedical Engineering Senior Research Conference this past January was an impressive showcase of the hard work and innovation of seniors. 18 research students presented their individual research projects in which they tackled a range of challenging topics in Biomedical Engineering, from developing tumor microenvironment scaffolds to creating novel diagnostic tools and aids. In addition to the individual research presentations, a group of nine students presented their Grand Challenges work on an assistive cane for visually impaired individuals. This project was a collaborative effort to develop an advanced cane that could help visually impaired individuals navigate their surroundings more effectively. The students used advanced sensors and computing to create a prototype that could detect potential obstacles, stairs, and other hazards. The audience was impressed by the students' innovative approach to addressing an important need in the community.

The conference provided a valuable opportunity for these students to present their findings to an audience that included professors, faculty advisors, underclassmen, and families. The turnout was excellent, and the event was a great success, demonstrating the caliber of talent and dedication among the university's undergraduate biomedical engineering community. Overall, the Tulane University Biomedical Engineering Senior Research Conference was a tremendous success, showcasing the exceptional research being conducted by Tulane’s graduating Biomedical Engineering Senior students. 

For more information, and to read all conference abstracts, visit the undergraduate research page.