Giving to the Department

The generosity of alumni, parents, and friends enables the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EE Biology) to provide outstanding educational programs for undergraduate and graduate students at Tulane University.

Unrestricted gifts to EE Biology will be credited directly to the General Endowed Fund of the Department, unless otherwise specified. The General Endowed Fund was established in 2007 with a generous gift from Katherine S. Giffin (BA, 1925). The Fund is used to support a variety of programs including the Undergraduate Fellows. Contributions may be sent in care of the Chair of the Department. Checks should be made out to "Tulane University" with the note “EEB General Endowed Fund, #050195”.

You can also give online. Click the link below and enter the gift amount next to Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Your gift will be automatically tagged for the EEB General Endowed Fund.

Donate to EEB

Another type of donation is called a restricted gifts, which may be given to initiate fellowships to support undergraduate or graduate research in the summer, graduate fellowships to support completion of dissertations during the academic year, or undergraduate awards for research or achievement. If you are interested in restricted giving, please contact the Department Chair to discuss.

Thank you for considering a gift to support the educational programs of the Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology.