Eleven alumni/alumnae, spanning a wide range of graduation dates and career paths, currently serve on the department’s advisory board
Loren Setlow (BS 1970)
Retired from the Environmental Protection Agency
Kevin McMichael (BS 1977)
Claymore Oil & Gas L.P.
Emeritus member, School of Science and Engineering’s Board of Advisors
Kathy McManus (BS 1980)
Elizabeth Chinn McDade (BS 1980)
Chinn-McDade Associates, LLC
Denise Butler (MS 1984)
Retired from Shell
Allen Greenwood (BS 1980 & MS 1984)
Tom Giosa (MS 1985)
TAG Oil, Inc.
Sidney Hemming (MS 1986)
Professor and Chair
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Columbia University
Jeff Nittrouer (MS 2006)
Assistant Professor
Texas Tech University
Bryan Grace (PhD 2012)
Principal Environmental Scientist
Tetra Tech, Inc.
Jade Haug (PhD 2014)
Bureau of Ocean and Energy Management
Davin Wallace (BS 2006)
Associate Professor
School of Ocean Science and Engineering
University of Southern Mississippi