Laurie O’Brien, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor

Education & Affiliations
As an experimental social psychologist, I am interested in issues related to prejudice, stereotyping, discrimination, and stigma. Two questions central to my research are: (1) How do people from high status and low status groups make judgments about what constitutes prejudice? (2) What are the consequences of perceiving prejudice and discrimination for people from both high and low status groups?
3013 Percival Stern Hall
Selected Publications
O’Brien, L.T., Musumeci, M., Lowe, C., Waldon-Lee, T., & Simon, S. (in press). Attributions to discrimination in a multiracial context: Isolating the effect of victim race. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Moss, A. J., Budd, R., Blanchard, M. A., & O’Brien, L. T. (2023). The upside of acknowledging prejudiced behavior. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 104, 1-17.
O’Brien, L.T., & Merritt, S. (2022). Attributions to discrimination against Black victims in a multiracial society: Isolating the effect of perpetrator group membership. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 48(1), 120-134.
Merritt, S., Hitti, A., Van Camp, A.R., Shaffer, E., Sanchez, M. & O’Brien, L.T. (2021). Maximizing the impact of exposure to science role models: Testing an intervention to increase science identity among adolescent girls. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(7), 667-682.
Moss, A., Fitzpatrick, J., & O’Brien, L.T. (2021). Attributions for atheism: Perceptions that atheism is a choice are associated with prejudice against atheists among Christians, but not Jews or nonbelievers. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 31(2), 102 – 20.
O’Brien, L.T., Garcia, D.M., Blodorn, A., Adams, G., Gravelin, C., & Hammer, E. (2020a). An educational intervention to improve women’s academic STEM outcomes: Divergent effects on well represented vs. underrepresented minority women. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 26(2), 163–168.
O’Brien, L.T. Bart, H., & Garcia, D.M. (2020b). Why are there so few minorities in ecology and evolutionary biology?: The roles of challenges to inclusion and sense of belonging. Social Psychology of Education, 23, 449-477.
Moss, A., Blodorn, A., Van Camp, A., & O’Brien, L.T. (2019). Gender equality, value violations, and prejudice toward Muslims. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22, 288-301.
Simon, S., Moss, A., & O’Brien, L.T. (2019a). Pick your perspective: Racial-group membership and judgments of intent, harm, and discrimination. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22, 215-232.
Simon, S., Magaldi, M., & O’Brien, L.T. (2019b). Empathy vs. evidence: Does perspective-taking for a discrimination claimant bias judgments of institutional sexism? Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 22, 1109-1123.
O’Brien, L.T., Hitti, A., Schaffer, E., Van Camp, A., Gilbert, P., & Henry, D. (2017). Improving girls’ sense of fit in science: Increasing the impact of role models. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 8, 301-309.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Social Psychology: PSYC 343
Psychology of Diversity?: PSYC 3470
Social Stigma: PSYC 662
Social Psychology: PSYC 700