ESI-TOF Mass Spectrometer
A major force behind the growth of mass spectrometry-based proteomics is the combination of two fundamental technologies: TOF (time-of-flight) mass analysis and ESI (electrospray ionization).
The microTOF features a mass resolution exceeding 10,000 FWHM and mass accuracy of better than 3 ppm in combination with true isotope pattern. The state-of-the art digitizer technology of the microTOF enables not only the accurate mass determination over a wide dynamic range but also results in the detection of true isotope patterns independent of molecular mass and sample amount.
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometer
MALDI sources employ a chromophoric matrix in which the sample is dissolved; the matrix-sample solution is then dried on a target plate and exposed to UV laser light. The matrix absorbs energy from the laser and transfers this energy to the sample in the form of heat, which causes the sample to desorb (vaporize) and ionize.
The smartbeam laser allows variable repetition rates from 1 Hz up to 200 Hz, with a computer-controlled, adjustable laser focus size and unrivaled spatial resolution.
The 2023 UltrefleXtreme offers even more resolution than the similar Autoflex and Microflex Bruker models and includes a tandem MS which can determine how one compound can fragment into many other species.
Mass Spectrometers were obtained by a generous grant from the National Science Foundation (CHE:2319960).