
A variety of analytical equipment is available in the Department of Chemistry.

The GC/MS Facility

The Department processes a Varian Saturn 2100 GC/MS System. The spectrometer uses internal ionization design that guarantees high sensitivity due to storage and collection efficiency. Moreover, Saturn's RF-only quadrupole field assures remarkable mass stability. The Saturn workstation facilitates 'standard' or 'custom' reports to tailor the presentation needs.

For further information and training please contact Dr. Jim Bollinger

Chemistry Department
5004 Percival Stern Hall
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 862-3561
Fax: (504) 865-5596

  • Organic Characterization through CIF
  • Polymer Characterization through TIMES

The FTIR facility

The FTIR facility in Chemistry Department of the Tulane University houses Nexus 670 Avatar FTIR Spectrometer available to all students. This modern FTIR spectrometer provides the demanding IR sampling requirements. Various accessories of the spectrometer provide the highest optical throughput, reliability and sampling flexibility.

The Smart MIRacle ATR Accessory can be used to obtain high quality infrared spectra of both solid and liquid samples without any need for sample preparation.

The Smart Diffuse Reflectance Accessory provides non-destructive analysis for wide variety of samples, such as soft powders, powder mixtures, hard powders, rigid polymers etc. OMNIC software is very user friendly. The spectrometer is networked, making it easy to transfer data or finished spectra to students' lab computers for inclusion in reports, papers and dissertations.

For further information and training please contact Dr. Qi Zhao

Chemistry Department
Tulane University
New Orleans, LA 70118
Phone: (504) 865-5573
Fax: (504) 865-5593