508 Israel Building
Education & Affiliations
Our research is in three areas of theoretical physical chemistry. The first area involves collaborative investigation of charge and exciton transport in DNA affected by the environment (solvent), charge-induced molecular reorganization and external laser or microwave fields. The second area involves optical energy transport, conversion and dissipation in inhomogeneous disordered or partially ordered arrays of nanoparticles. The third area deals with inhomogeneous kinetics and thermodynamics in amorphous solids and complex molecular systems.
Areas of current interest include:
- Complex Systems
- Optical Systems
- DNA-Photonics
Xiaolong Deng, Alexander L. Burin, and IvanM Khaymovich. Anisotropy-mediated reentrant localization. SciPost Physics, 2022
Liuqi Yu, Shlomi Matityahu, Yaniv J. Rosen, Chih-Chiao Hung, Andrii Maksymov, Alexander L. Burin, Moshe Schechter, and Kevin D. Osborn. Experimentally revealing anomalously large dipoles in the dielectric of a quantum circuit. Scientific Reports, 12(1):16960, Oct 2022
Dilanka V. D. Walpita Kankanamalage, Jennifer H. T. Tran, Noah Beltrami, Kun Meng, Xiao Zhou, Pravin Pathak, Lyle Isaacs, Alexander L. Burin, Mehnaaz F. Ali, and Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah. Dna strand displacement driven by host–guest interactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(36):16502–16511, Sep 2022
Tammy X. Leong, Brenna K. Collins, Sourajit Dey Baksi, Robert T. Mackin, Artem Sribnyi, Alexander L. Burin, John A. Gladysz, and Igor V. Rubtsov. Tracking energy transfer across a platinum center. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 126(30):4915–4930, 2022. PMID: 35881911
Alexander L. Burin. Exact solution of the minimalist stark many-body localization problem in terms of spin-pair hopping. Phys. Rev. B, 105:184206,
May 2022
Sithara U. Nawagamuwage, Layla N. Qasim, Xiao Zhou, Tammy X. Leong, Igor V. Parshin, Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Alexander L. Burin, and Igor V. Rubtsov. Competition of several energy-transport initiation mechanisms defines the ballistic transport speed. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(27):7546–7555, 2021. PMID: 34185993
Alexander Churkin, Shlomi Matityahu, Andrii O. Maksymov, Alexander L. Burin, and Moshe Schechter. Anomalous low-energy properties in amorphous solids and the interplay of electric and elastic interactions of tunneling two-level systems. Phys. Rev. B, 103:054202, Feb 2021
Ofek Asban, Alexander Burin, Alexander Shnirman, and Moshe Schechter. Polaronic effect of a metal layer on variable range hopping. Phys. Rev. B,
103:045129, Jan 2021
Alexander Churkin, Shlomi Matityahu, Andrii O. Maksymov, Alexander L. Burin, and Moshe Schechter. Anomalous low-energy properties in amorphous solids and the interplay of electric and elastic interactions of tunneling two-level systems. Phys. Rev. B, 103:054202, Feb 2021
Alexei Boulatov and Alexander L. Burin. Crucial effect of transverse vibrations on the transport through polymer chains. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(13):134102, 2020
Robert T. Mackin, Tammy X. Leong, Natalia I. Rubtsova, Alexander L. Burin, and Igor V. Rubtsov. Low-temperature vibrational energy trans port via peg chains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 11(12):4578–4583, 2020. PMID: 32437615
Andrii O. Maksymov and Alexander L. Burin. Many-body localization in spin chains with long-range transverse interactions: Scaling of critical disorder with system size. Phys. Rev. B, 101:024201, Jan 2020
Alexander L. Burin, Andrii O. Maksymov, Ma’ayan Schmidt and Il’ya Ya. Polishchuk, Chaotic Dynamics in a Quantum Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Problem, Entropy 2019, 21, 51; doi:10.3390/e21010051.
I. V. Rubtsov and A. L. Burin, Ballistic and diffusive vibrational energy transport in molecules, J. Chem. Phys. 150, 020901 (2019).
Layla N. Qasim, E. Berk Atuk, Andrii O. Maksymov, Janarthanan Jayawickramarajah, Alexander L. Burin, and Igor V. Rubtsov. Ballistic transport of vibrational energy through an amide group bridging alkyl chains. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(6):3381–3392, 2019
A.A. Anastasiev, A.L. Burin, M.I. Gozman, I. Ya. Polishchuk, Yu. I. Polishchuk, and E.A. Tsyvkunova, Guided modes in periodical arrays of waveguides, ICTON 2018, 978-1-5386-6605-0/18.
M. Schechter, P. Nalbach and A. L. Burin, Nonuniversality and strongly interacting two-level systems in glasses at low temperatures, New J. Phys. 20 (2018) 063048.
Alexander L. Burin and Andrii O. Maksymov, Theory of nonlinear microwave absorption by interacting two-level systems, Phys. Rev. B 97, 214208 (2018).
A. O. Maksymov, N. Rahman, E. Kapit, and A. L. Burin, Comment on “Many-body localization in Ising models with random long-range interactions,” Physical Review A 96 (2017) 057601.
N. Kirsh, E. Svetitsky, A. L. Burin, M. Schechter, N. Katz, Revealing the nonlinear response of a tunneling two-level system ensemble using coupled modes, Physical Review Materials 1 (2017), 012601 R.
I. V. Gornyi, A. D. Mirlin, D. G. Polyakov, A. L. Burin, Spectral diffusion and scaling of many-body delocalization transitions, Annalen der Physik 1600360 (2017), 1600360.
A. L. Burin, Localization and chaos in a quantum spin glass model in random longitudinal fields: Mapping to the localization problem in a Bethe lattice with a correlated disorder, Annalen der Physik 1600292 (2017), 1600292. Quoted by Advanced Science News, http://www.advancedsciencenews.com/localization-chaos-quantum-spin-glas… .
L. N. Qasim, A. Kurnosov, Y. K. Yue, Z. W. Lin, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Energy Transport in PEG Oligomers: Contributions of Different Optical Bands, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, pp. 26663-26677 (2017).
A. A. Kurnosov, I. V. Rubtsov, A. O. Maksymov and A. L. Burin, Electronic torsional sound in linear atomic chains: Chemical energy transport at 1000 km/s, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 034903 (2016).
D.B. Gutman, I.V. Protopopov, A.L. Burin, I.V. Gornyi, R.A. Santos, A.D. Mirlin, Energy transport in the Anderson insulator, Phys. Rev. B 93, 245427 (2016).
B. Sarabi, A. N. Ramanayaka, A. L. Burin, F. C. Wellstood, and K. D. Osborn, Projected Dipole Moments of Individual Two-Level Defects Extracted Using Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 167002 (2016).
Y. J. Rosen, M. S. Khalil, A. L. Burin, and K. D. Osborn, The tunneling atom laser: Manipulating lossy two-level defects to produce a circuit with coherent gain, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 163601 (2016).
B. Sarabi, A. N. Ramanayaka, A. L. Burin, F. C. Wellstood and K. D. Osborn, Cavity quantum electrodynamics using a near-resonance two-level system: Emergence of the Glauber state, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 172601 (2015, featured article).
N. I. Rubtsova, C. M. Nyby, H. Zhang, B. Zhang, X. Zhou, J. Jayawickramarajah, A. L. Burin and I. V. Rubtsov, Room-temperature ballistic energy transport in molecules with repeating units, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 212412 (2015).
A.L. Burin, Many-body delocalization in a strong disorderly system with long-range interactions: Finite-size scaling, Phys. Rev. B 91, 094202 (2015).
B. Sarabi. A. N. Ramanayaka, A. L. Burin, F. C. Wellstood, K. D. Osborn, Cavity quantum electrodynamics of nanoscale two-level systems, arXiv:1405.0264 [cond-mat.supr-con], Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.
A. A. Kurnosov, I. V. Rubtsov and A. L. Burin, Communication: Fast transport and relaxation of vibrational energy in polymer chains, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 011101 (2015).
M. S. Khalil, S. Gladchenko, M. J. A. Stoutimore, F. C. Wellstood, A. L. Burin, and K. D. Osborn, Landau-Zener population control and dipole measurement of a two-level-system bath, Phys. Rev. B 90, 100201(R)
A. L. Burin, A. O. Maksymov, K. D. Osborn, Quantum coherent manipulation of two-level systems in superconducting circuits, Superconducting Science and Technology, 27 (2014) 0804001.
N. I. Rubtsova, A. K. Kurnosov, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Temperature dependence of the ballistic energy transport in perfluoroalkanes, J. Phys. Chem. B 18 (28), pp 8381–8387 (2014).
S. L. Tesar, V. M. Kasyanenko, I. V. Rubtsov, G. I. Rubtsov, A. L. Burin, Theoretical Study of Internal Vibrational Relaxation and Energy Transport in Polyatomic Molecules, J. Phys. Chem. A 117, 2, 315-323 (2013).
A. L. Burin, J. M. Leveritt Jr., G. Fickenscher, A. Fleischmann, C. C. Enss, C. Schoetz, M. Bazrafshan, P. Fasl and M. v. Schickfus, Low temperature dipolar echo in amorphous dielectrics: Significance of relaxation and decoherence free two level systems, Euro Physics Letters, 104 (2013) 57006.
A. L. Burin, M. S. Khalil, K. D. Osborn, Universal dielectric loss in amorphous solids from simultaneous bias and microwave field, Physical Review Letters 110, 157002 (2013).
A. L. Burin, J. M. Leveritt Jr., G. Fickenscher, A. Fleischmann, C. C. Enss, C. Schoetz, M. Bazrafshan, P. Fasl and M. v. Schickfus, Low temperature dipolar echo in amorphous dielectrics: Significance of relaxation and decoherence free two level systems, Preprint, arXiv:1208.2883v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn], http://arxiv.org/pdf/1208.2883v1.pdf.
A. L. Burin, M. S. Khalil, K. D. Osborn, Universal dielectric loss in amorphous solids from simultaneous bias and microwave field. Preprint, arXiv:1205.4982v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn], http://arxiv.org/pdf/1205.4982v1.pdf.
A. L. Burin, A. K. Kurnosov, Fluctuator model of memory dip in hopping insulators, J. Low Temp. Phys., 167, 318-328 (2012).
Sarah L. Tesar, John M. Leveritt III, Arkady A. Kurnosov, Alexander L. Burin, Temperature dependence for the rate of hole transfer in DNA: Nonadiabatic regime, Chemical Physics 393 (2012) 13–18.
A. L. Burin, A. K. Kurnosov, Fluctuator model of memory dip in hopping insulators, European Superconductivity News Forum, CR25 (http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/csc/europe/newsforum/pdf/CR25.pdf) (2011).
V. M. Kasyanenko, S. L. Tesar, G. I. Rubtsov, A. L. Burin, I. V. Rubtsov, Structure Dependent Energy Transport: Relaxation-Assisted 2DIR Measurements and Theoretical Studies, J. Phys. Chem. B 115, pp. 11063-11073 (2011).
A. L. Burin, S. L. Tesar, V. M. Kasyanenko, I. V. Rubtsov, G. I. Rubtsov, Semiclassical Model for Vibrational Dynamics in Polyatomic Molecules: Investigation of Internal Vibrational Relaxation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2010, 114 (48), pp 20510–20517.
S. M. Mickley Conron, A. K. Thazhathveetil, M. R. Wasielewski, A. L. Burin, and F. D. Lewis, Direct Measurement of the Dynamics of Hole Hopping in Extended DNA G-Tracts. An Unbiased Random Walk J. Am. Chem. Soc., 132 (41), pp. 14388–14390 (2010).
G. S. Blaustein, F. D. Lewis, A. L. Burin, Kinetics of Charge Separation in Poly(A)-Poly(T) DNA Hairpins , J. Phys. Chem. 114, pp. 6732-6739 (2010).
I. Ya. Polishchuk, M. I. Gozman, G. S. Blaustein, A. L. Burin, Interference of guided modes in a two-port ring waveguide composed of dielectric nanoparticles, Phys. Rev. E 81, 026601 (2010).
J. M. Leveritt III, C. Dibaya, S. Tesar, R. Shrestha, A. L. Burin, One dimensional confinement of electric field and humidity dependent DNA conductivity, Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 245102 (2009).
G. S. Blaustein, F. D. Lewis, A. L. Burin, R. Shrestha, The kinetics of charge recombination in DNA hairpins, controlled by counterions, International Conference on Computational Science 2009, Part II, LNCS 5545, pp. 189-196, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg,189–196, Eds: G. Allen, J. Nabrzyski, Ed Seidel.
A. L. Burin, M. E. Armbruster, M. Hariharan, and F. D. Lewis, Sum rules and determination of exciton coupling using absorption and circular dichroism spectra of biological polymers, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 106 (4) 989–994 (2009).
G. S. Blaustein, B. Demas, F. D. Lewis, and A. L. Burin, Charge Recombination in DNA Hairpins Controlled by Counterions, Journal of the American Chemical Society (Communications) 131 (2), 400-401 (2009).
A. L. Burin, J. A. Dickman, D. B. Uskov, C. F. F. Hebbard, G. C. Schatz, Optical absorption spectra and monomer interaction in polymers: Investigation of exciton coupling in DNA hairpins, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 091102 (2008).
A. L. Burin, J. A. Dickman, D. B. Uskov, C. F. F. Hebbard, G. C. Schatz, Optical absorption spectra and monomer interaction in polymers: Investigation of exciton coupling in DNA hairpins, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 091102 (2008).
D. B. Uskov, A. L. Burin, Strong localization of positive charge in DNA from a charge-balance theory, Physical Review B 78, 073106 (2008).
A. L. Burin, D. B. Uskov, Strong localization of positive charge in DNA induced by its interaction with environment, Journal of Chemical Physics 129, 025101 (2008).
M. I. Gozman, I. Ya. Polishchuk, A. L. Burin, Light propagation in linear arrays of spherical particles, Physics Letters A 372, 5250–5253 (2008).
I. S. Tupitsyn, P. C. E. Stamp, A. L. Burin, Stability of Bose-Einstein Condensates of Hot Magnons in Yttrium Iron Garnet Films, Physical Review Letters 100, 257202 (2008).
A. L. Burin, V. I. Kozub, Y. M. Galperin, and V. Vinokur, Slow relaxation of conductance of amorphous hopping insulators, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 20, 244135 (2008).
A. L. Burin, B. I. Shklovskii, V. I. Kozub, Y. M. Galperin, and V. Vinokur, Many electron theory of 1/f noise in hopping conductivity, Invited Article, Phys. Stat. Sol. 5, 800-808 (2008)