5008 Percival Stern Hall
Education & Affiliations
Areas of current interest:
- The synthesis of multiply-bonded silicon compounds, to study the effects of silicon p-conjugation related to the concepts of aromaticity and anti- aromaticity.
- Mechanistic investigations of transition-metal silicon chemistry, as it pertains to catalysis and materials synthesis.
- The study of organosilicon photochemistry and reactive intermediates, in fluid solution, inert matrices, and in molecular beams.
- The synthesis of novel precursors to technologically important ceramic fibers and thin films.
Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry
Dr. Fink's research interest in this area focuses primarily in the synthetic and mechanistic chemistry of silicon, boron and related elements.
Selected Publications
Pichaandi, K. R., Mague, J.T. and Fink, M.J. “Crystal Structures of Three Sterically Congested Disilanes”, Acta Cryst. E , 2017, 73 (3), 448-452.
Pichaandi, Kothanda Rama, Mague, J.T. and Fink, M.J. “Synthesis, Photochemical Decomposition and DFT studies of 2,2,3,3-Tetramethyl-1,1-bis(dimethylphenylsilyl) Silacyclopropane”, J. Organomet. Chem., 2015, 791, 163-168
Xu, Zejing; Li, Yejia; Zhang, Boyu ; Purkait, Tapas Alb, Alina; Mitchell, Brian S.; Grayson, Scott M. ; Fink, Mark J. “Water Soluble PEGylated Silicon Nanoparticles and Their Assembly into Swellable Nanoparticle Arrays” J. Nanoparticle Research, 2015, 17:56, DOI: 10.1007/s11051-015-2869-9
Mitchell, Brian S.; Wang, Hongqiang; Xu, Zejing; Fink, Mark J. ; Shchukin, Dmitry “Functionalized Photoluminescent Silicon Nanoparticles from Reactive Cavitation Erosion of Silicon Wafers”, Chem. Comm., 2015, 51, 1465-1467
Kuang, Li; Mitchell , Brian S.;, Fink , Mark J. “Silicon Nanoparticles Synthesized through Reactive High Energy Ball Milling: Enhancement of Optical Properties mfrom the Removal of Iron Impurities” J. of Exp. Nanoscience, 2014, 10, 16, 1214-1222, DOI: 10.1080/17458080.2014.989552
Xiaoye, Su ; Kuang, Li; Cooper, Battle; Ted, Shaner; Mitchell , Brian S. ; Fink, Mark J.; Jayawickramarajah, Janarthanan “A Mild Two-Step Method to Construct DNA-Conjugated Silicon Nanoparticles: Scaffolds for the Detection of MicroRNA-21” Bioconjug.Chem., 2014, 25, 1739-1743