Why Study Engineering Physics?

  1. Engineering Physics is the broadest and most basic of all engineering programs.
  2. It provides sensible preparation for other areas of engineering, including mechanical, electrical, civil engineering and computer science.
  3. It provides a broad foundation in the basics of science and engineering.
  4. Our students will be well equipped to pursue research and development careers in new and emerging technologies that cut across traditional engineering and science disciplines, to pursue graduate studies in science or engineering, or to enter professional fields including law, business management, and medicine.
  5. Graduates will have substantial experience with laboratory methods, data analysis, and computation.
  6. As an intrinsic part of the design component of the curriculum, students will also develop strong oral and written communication skills, multidisciplinary teamwork skills, and knowledge about the high ethical standards of the engineering profession.
  7. The program has a strong emphasis on modern physics and its application to 21st century technology.
  8. Our program builds on the existing research and teaching strengths of the Physics and Materials Science Division and of the School of Science and Engineering in cross-cutting areas such as novel 21st century materials, materials for energy, biomolecular materials, macromolecules, quantum mechanics to devices, surfaces, interfaces, and nanostructures, and computation, and is flexible enough to grow together with the research base of our division.
  9. Engineering physics students will be well equipped to pursue research and development careers in new and emerging technologies such as properties of new materials, quantum electronics, nanofabrication and devices, quantum signal processing and quantum computing, related to emerging advances in civil, electrical, mechanical and computer engineering.
  10. Certificates (tracks) are available in four core engineering areas (computational, electrical, materials, or mechanical engineering) to provide students with in-depth training and preparation for further study or a career in these areas.