Douglas B. Chrisey, Ph.D.

Education & Affiliations
Prof. Chrisey is the Jung Chair of Materials Engineering and a Physics Professor at Tulane University. Doug began his engineering and academic career when he earned a B.S. in Physics from the State University of New York At Binghamton in 1983 and later a Ph.D. in Engineering Physics from the University of Virginia in 1987. He spent the next 17 years at the Naval Research Laboratory as the Head of the Laser Processing Section. After spending 1 year as the Deputy Director at the North Dakota State University Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, Doug joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as a Full Professor of Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering. Currently, Doug is teaching and performing research at Tulane University and is the Jung Chair of Materials Engineering in the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics with Adjunct appointments in the Biomedical Engineering Department at Tulane University.
Recent Publications
- Electric Cell-Substrate Impedance Sensing (ECIS) as a Platform for Evaluating Barrier-Function Susceptibility and Damage from Pulmonary Atelectrauma, E. Yamaguchi, J. Yao, A. Aymond, D.B. Chrisey, G.F. Nieman, J.H.T. Bates, and D.P. Gaver, Bionsensors 12(6) 390 (2022)
- Review on Energy Storage in Lead-Free Ferroelectric Films, V.S. Puli, A.R. Jayakrishnan, D.K. Pradhan, K. Madgula, S.N. Babu, D.B. Chrisey, R.S. Katiyar. A. Reed, M. McConnery, T. Back., R.M. Van Ginhoven, and S. Heidger, Energy Storage May e359 (2022)
- Enhanced Energy Storage Properties of Epitaxial (Ba0.955Ca0.045)(Zr0.17Ti0.83)O3 Ferroelectric Thin Films,V.S. Puli, A.R. Jayakrishnan, D.K. Pradhan, K. Madgula, S.N. Babu, D.B. Chrisey, R.S. Katiyar. A. Reed, M. McConnery, T. Back., R.M. Van Ginhoven, and S. Heidger, Energy Storage 4(4) e330 (2022)
- Magnetic and Multiferroic Properties of BaTiO3/NiFe2O4/BaTiO3 Heterostructured Thin Films Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition Technique, V.S. Puli, D.K. Pradhan, G. Sreenivasulu, S.N. Babu, N.V. Prasad, K. Madgula, D.B. Chrisey, and R.S. Katiyar, Crystals 11(10) 1192 (2021)
- Flexible Iron Oxide Supercapacitor Electrodes by Photonic Processing, M. Gaire, N. Khatoon, B. Subedi, and D.B. Chrisey, J. Materials Research 36(22) 4536 (2021)
- ZEB2 Regulates Endocrine Therapy Sensitivity and Metastasis in Luminal a Breast Cancer Cells Through a Non-Canonical Mechanism, H.E. Burks, M.D. Matossian, L.V. Rhodes, T. Phamduy, S.D. Elliott, A. Buechlein, D.B. Rusch, D.F.B. Miller, K.P. Nephew, D.B.Chrisey, B.M. Collins-Burow, and M.E. Burow, Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 189 (1) 25 (2021)
- Isoflavonoid-Antibiotic Thin Films Fabricated by MAPLE with Improved Resistance to Microbial Colonization, V. Grumezescu, I. Negut, R. Cristescu, A.M. Grumezescu, A.M. Holban, F. Iordache, M.C. Chifiriuc, R.J. Narayan, and D.B. Chrisey, Molecules 26(12) 3634 (2021)
- Dual Inhibition of MEK1/2 and MEK5 Suppresses the EMT Migration Axis in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Through FRA-1 Regulation, V.T. Hoang, M.D. Matossian, J. La, K. Hoang, D.A. Ucar, S. Elliott, H.E. Burkes, T.D. Wright, S. Patel, A. Bhatt, T. Phamduy, D.B. Chrisey, A. Buechelein, D.B. Rusch, K.P. Nephew, M. Anbalagan, B. Rowan, J.E. Cavanaugh, P.T. Flaherty, L. Miele, B.M. Collins-Burow, and M.E. Burow, J Cellular Biochemistry 122(8) 835 (2021)
- Preparation of Cobalt Oxide – Reduced Graphitic Oxide Supercapacitor Electrode by Photothermal Processing, M. Gaire, N. Khatoon, and D.B. Chrisey, Nanomaterials 11(3) 717 (2021)
- Translation of Laser Based Three-Dimensional Printing Technologies, T. Baldacchini, J. Saksena, S.C. Sklare, B.T. Vinson, Y. Huang, D.B. Chrisey, and R.J. Narayan, MRS Bulletin February (2021)
- Novel Antimicrobial Surfaces to Defeat Covid-19 Transmission, R. Cristescu, R.J. Narayan, and D.B. Chrisey, MRS Bulletin 46(2) 103 (2021)
- Ultra-Long Cycle Life and Binder-Free Manganese-Cobalt Oxide Supercapacitor Electrodes Through Photonic Nanostructuring, M. Gaire, B. Subedi, S. Adireddy, and D.B. Chrisey, RSC Advances 10(66) 40234-40243 (2020)
- First Principles Modeling of Nanoparticle-Polymer Surface Functionalizations for Improved Capacitive Energy Storage, J. Shipman, B. Riggs, S. Grayson, and D.B. Chrisey, J. Material Science 55(33) 15813-15825 (2020)
- Nanostructured Manganese Oxide Electrode with Ultra-Long Lifetime for Electrochemical Capacitors, M. Gaire, K. Liang, S.J. Luo, B. Subedi, S. Adireddy, K. Schroder, S. Farnsworth, and D.B. Chrisey, RCS Advances 10(28) 16817-16825 (2020)
- Novel Antimicrobial Surfaces to Defeat COVID-19 Transmission, R. Cristescu, R.J. Narayan, and D.B. Chrisey, MRS Advances 5(56) 2839-2851 (2020)
- Solvent-Based Extrusion 3D Printing for the Fabrication of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds, B. Zhang, R. Cristescu, D.B. Chrisey, and R.J. Narayan, Intl J. of Bioprinting 6(1) 28-42 (2020)
- Matrix-Assisted Pulsed Laser Evaporation-Deposited Rapamycin Thin Films Maintain Anti-proliferative Activity, R. Cristescu, I. Negut, A.I. Visan, A.K. Nguyen, A. Sachan, P.L. Goering, D.B. Chrisey, and R.J. Narayan, Intl J. of Bioprinting 6(1) 105-111 (2020)
- Chemotherapy-Induced Senescent Cancer Cells Engulf Other Cells to Enhance Their Survival, Tonnessen-Murray, Crystal A., Frey, Wesley, Rao, Sonia G., Shahbandi, Ashkan, Ungerleider, Nathan, Olayiwola, Joy O., Murray, Lucas B., Vinson, Benjamin T., Chrisey, Douglas B., Lord, Christopher J., Jackson, James G., Journal Of Cell Biology 2019 218 (11) 3827-3844
- Observation Of Large Enhancement In Energy-Storage Properties Of Lead-Free Polycrystalline 0.5BaZr(0.2)Ti0.8O3-0.5Ba0.7Ca0.3TiO3 Ferroelectric Thin Films, Puli, Venkata Sreenivas, Pradhan, Dhiren K., Coondoo, Indrani, Panwar, Neeraj, Adireddy, Shiva, Luo, Sijun, Katiyar, Ram S. and Chrisey, Douglas B. Journal Of Physics D-Applied Physics 2019 52 (25) 255304
- Successful Release of Voriconazole and Flavonoids from MAPLE Deposited Bioactive Surfaces, Negut, Irina, Visan, Anita Ioana, Popescu, Camelia, Cristescu, Rodica, Ficai, Anton, Grumezescu, Alexandru Mihai, Chifiriuc, Mariana C., Boehm, Ryan D., Yamaleyeva, Dina, Taylor, Michael, Narayan, Roger J., and Chrisey, Douglas B., Applied Sciences-Basel 2019 9 (4) 786