James H. McGuire, Ph.D.

Emeritus Professor

(504) 862-3182
School of Science & Engineering

Education & Affiliations

B.S., Rensselaer (1964)
M.S., Northeastern (1966)
Ph.D., Northeastern (1969)


Dr. McGuire's research interests include Theoretical Atomic Physics & Physics Instruction.


Recent Publications

"Time Evolution and Use of Multiple Times in the N-Body Problem," J.H. McGuire and A.L. Godunov, Phys. Rev. A {\bf A67}, 042701 (2003).

"Population Control of 2s-2p Transitions in Hydrogen," Kh.Kh. Shakov and J.H. McGuire, quant-ph/0306160; Phys. Rev. {\bf A67} 033405 (2003).

"Population Control in a Degenerate N-Level Atom," J.H. McGuire, Kh. Kh. Shakov and Kh Yu Rakhimov", J. Phys. B {\bf 36}, 3195 (2003).

"Ionization-Excitation Magnetic Sublevel Cross Sections for He$^+(2p)^2 P^0$ States Following Fast Electron and Proton Impact," H. Merabet, R. Bruch, S. Fuelling, M. Bailey, A.L. Godnov, J.H. McGuire, A.N. Grum-Grzhimallo and K. Bartschat, Nucl. Instru. Method {\bf B 205}, 399 (2003).

"Scattering Angle-Integrated (Total) and Magnetic Sublevel Cross Sections and Degree of Linear Polarization for Electron and Proton Incuded Excitation [HeI (1snp)] $^1P_0$ (n=2-5)] of Helium," H. Merabet, R. Bruch, J. Hanni, M. Bailey, A.L. Godnov, J.H. McGuire, D. Fursa, I. Bray, K. Bartschat, H.C. Tseng and C.D. Lin, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables {\bf 83}, 45 (2003).

"Quantum Correlation in Time," J.H. McGuire, Kh. Kh. Shakov and Kh. Yu Rakhimov, {From the Atomic to the Nanoscale}, edited by C.T. Whelan and J.H. McGuire (AIP Press, 2003).

"Population Control in Nearly Degenerate N-Level Atoms," Kh.Kh Shakov, J.H. McGuire, Kh. Yu. Rakhimov, in {From the Atomic to the Nanoscale}, edited by C.T. Whelan and J.H. McGuire (AIP Press, 2003).

"Quantum Correlation in Time," J.H. McGuire, A.L. Godunov, Kh. Kh. Shakov and Kh. Yu. Rakhimov, in {From the Atomic to the Nanoscale}, edited by C.T. Whelan and J.H. McGuire (AIP Press, 2003).

"Complete Population Transfer in a Degenerate 3-Level Atom," Kh. Yu. Rakhimov, J.H. McGuire and Kh.Kh. Shakov, quant-ph/0306157; submitted to Phys. Rev. A.

"Time in Quantum Mechanics," J.H. McGuire, A.L. Godunov, Kh. Kh. Shakov and Kh. .Yu. Rakhimov in {Progress in Quantum Physics Research}, (Nova Science, NY, V. Krasnoholovets, editor), (2003)

"Population Transfer Without Time Ordering," Kh. Yu. Rakhimov, Kh. Kh. Shakov, and J.H. McGuire, in {Progress in Quantum Physics Research}, (Nova Science, NY, V. Krasnoholovets, editor), (2003).

"Time Ordering in Quantum Mechanics," J.H.McGuire, A.L. Godunov, Kh.Kh. Shakov, Kh.Yu. Rakhimov and A. Chalastaras, in {Progress in Quantum Physics Research}, edited by V. Krasnoholovets, (Nova Science, NY, 2003).

"Population Control in a Degenerate N-State System," Kh.Yu. Rakhimov, Kh.Kh. Shakov and J.H.McGuire, in {Progress in Quantum Physics Research}, edited by V. Krasnoholovets, (Nova Science, NY, 2003).


PHYS 1010: Great Ideas In Science
PHYS 1310/1320: General Physics I & II
PHYS 3010/6010/6020: Theoretical Physics I & II
PHYS 3800: Physics Seminar