Bonnie K. Nastasi, Ph.D.

Education & Affiliations
Dr. Nastasi's research focuses on culturally appropriate health promotion and health risk prevention programming for child, adolescent and adult populations. Dr. Nastasi is currently accepting graduate students.
3046 Percival Stern Hall
Selected Publications
Hitchcock, J., & Nastasi, B. K. (2011). Mixed methods for construct validation. In P. Vogt & M. Williams (Eds.), Handbook of methodological innovation (pp. 249-268). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Nastasi, B. K., Jayasena, A., Summerville, M., & Borja, A. (2011). Facilitating long-term recovery from natural disasters: Psychosocial programming in tsunami-affected schools of Sri Lanka. School Psychology International, 32, 512-532. DOI: 10.1177/0143034311402923.
Nastasi, B. K., Overstreet, S., & Summerville, M. (2011). School-based mental health services in post-disaster contexts: A public health framework. School Psychology International, 32, 533-552. DOI: 10.1177/0143034311402926.
Nastasi, B. K., & Varjas, K. (2011). International development of school psychology. In M. A. Bray & T. J. Kehle (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of School Psychology (pp. 810-828). NY: Oxford University Press.
Nastasi, B. K., Moore, R. B., & Varjas, K. M. (2004). School-based mental health services: Creating comprehensive and culturally specific programs. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association
Nastasi, B. K., Pluymert, K., Varjas, K., & Bernstein, R. (2002). Exemplary mental health programs: School psychologists as mental health service providers.(3rd ed.). Bethesda, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.
Nastasi, B. K., & Hitchcock, J. H. (2008). Evaluating quality and effectiveness of population-based services. In B. J. Doll & J. A. Cummings (Eds.), Transforming school mental health services: Population-based approaches to promoting the competency and wellness of children (pp. 245-276).Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press with National Association of School Psychologists.
Nastasi, B. K., Hitchcock, J. H., Burkholder, G., Varjas, K., Sarkar, S., & Jayasena, A. (2007). Assessing adolescents’ understanding of and reactions to stress in different cultures: Results of a mixed-methods approach. School Psychology International, 28(2), 163-178.
Nastasi, B.K., Hitchcock, J., Sarkar, S., Burkholder, G., Varjas, K., & Jayasena, A. (2007). Mixed methods in intervention research: Theory to adaptation. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), 164-182.