Stacy Overstreet, Ph.D.

Education & Affiliations
Professor Overstreet's research interests focus broadly on children at risk for maladjustment due to the presence of chronic stressors in their lives. In her current research, Professor Overstreet utilizes an ecological-transactional model to understand the effects of community violence exposure and other traumatic experiences on the psychosocial and academic functioning of children and to identify protective factors that buffer children from the negative effects of such experiences. Dr. Overstreet is not accepting new graduate students this cycle.
3019 Percival Stern Hall
Selected Publications
Nastasi, B., Overstreet, S., & Summerville, M. (2011). School-based mental health services in post disaster contexts: A public health framework. School Psychology International, 32, 533-552.
Overstreet, S., Salloum, A., Burch, B., & West, J. (2011). Challenges associated with childhood exposure to severe natural disasters: Research review and clinical implications. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, 4, 52 - 68.
Overstreet, S., & Mathews, T. (2011). Challenges associated with exposure to trauma: Fostering resilient outcomes among youth. Psychology in the Schools, 48, 738 – 754.
Salloum, A., Carter, P., Burch, B., Garfinkel, A. N., & Overstreet, S. (2011). Impact of exposure to community violence, hurricane Katrina, and hurricane Gustav on posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms among school age children. Anxiety, Stress, and Coping, 24, 27 - 42.
Overstreet, S., Salloum, A., & Badour, C. (2010). A school-based assessment of secondary stressors and adolescent mental health18 months post-Katrina. Journal of School Psychology, 48, 413-431.
Frankola, K. A., Flora, A. L., Torres, A. K., Grissom, E. M., Overstreet, S., & Dohanich, G. P. (2010). The effects of early rearing conditions on cognitive performance in prepubescent male and female rats. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 94, 91 – 99.
Mathews, T., Dempsey, M., & Overstreet, S. (2009). Effects of exposure to community violence on school functioning: The mediating role of posttraumatic stress. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47, 586 – 591.
Bevans, K., Cerbone, A. B., & Overstreet, S. (2009). The interactive effects of elevated mid-afternoon cortisol and trauma history on PTSD symptoms in children: A preliminary study Psychoneuroendocrinology, 34, 1582 - 1585.
Note: Student co-authors are in bold.
Courses Taught
Childhood Behavioral Disorders: PSYC 334
Stress and Trauma: PSYC 659
Stress and Trauma Lab: PSYC 660
Psychoeducational Assessment I: PSYC 761
Psychoeducational Assessment II: PSYC 762