Oliver Orejola Oliver Orejola Graduate Student oorejola@tulane.edu 862-3427 Office Address Gibson Hall 313C School of Science & Engineering
Alex James Robson Nisbet Alex James Robson Nisbet Graduate Student anisbet@tulane.edu 862-3461 Office Address Stanley Thomas Hall 401 School of Science & Engineering
Louis J Nass Louis J Nass Graduate Student lnass@tulane.edu 862-3427 Office Address Gibson Hall 313 School of Science & Engineering
Dillon Montero Dillon Montero Graduate Student dmontero@tulane.edu 862-3461 Office Address Gibson Hall 416C School of Science & Engineering
Peter Marcus Peter Marcus Graduate Student pmarcus1@tulane.edu 862-2363 Office Address Gibson Hall 416K School of Science & Engineering
Dipendranath Mahato Dipendranath Mahato Graduate Student dmahato@tulane.edu 862-2363 Office Address Gibson Hall 416J School of Science & Engineering
John Santander Lopez John Santander Lopez Graduate Student jlopez12@tulane.edu 862-3461 Office Address Gibson Hall 416G School of Science & Engineering
Sang-Eun Lee Sang-Eun Lee Graduate Student slee37@tulane.edu No Phone Office Address Stanley Thomas Hall 401 School of Science & Engineering
Sinchita Lahiri Sinchita Lahiri Graduate Student slahiri@tulane.edu 862-3461 Office Address Gibson Hall 415E School of Science & Engineering
Ketan Kalgi Ketan Kalgi Graduate Student kkalgi@tulane.edu 862-3461 Office Address Gibson Hall 416A School of Science & Engineering