Teacher GiST/BATS PD


Teachers work together to conduct science experiment at Girls in STEM at Tulane.

 Tulane's Girls in STEM at Tulane (GiST) and Boys at Tulane in STEM (BATS) programs provide fifth through seventh grade students with the opportunity to meet and work with undergraduate, graduate, faculty, and professional role models in STEM fields. Workshops developed by faculty and student teams empower students to inquire, investigate, and discover in a positive environment. Our goal is to open the doors wide and welcome young students to careers in STEM fields by encouraging creative thinking, promoting self-esteem, and increasing awareness of the opportunities in STEM that await them.

Teachers of 3rd through 8th grade students can also participate at BATS and GiST! 

Thanks to the generosity of Shell and The Joe W. and Dorothy Dorsett Brown Foundation, we are pleased to be able to offer teachers the chance to participate in 3 unique workshops at each event that align with the Louisiana Science Standards for FREE!  Participating teachers will get to experience the workshop hands on and discuss how to implement the activities and aligned standards into their classrooms. 

 Teachers will also receive a $150 stipend, aligned curricula ideas, AND supplies to bring the activities back to their school! 

Preference is given to teachers from majority free or reduced lunch schools. 

Register for BATS Teacher PD

GiST registration will open in mid-February!

If you would like to bring a group (from a school, girl/boy scout troop, etc.), please email k12stem@tulane.edu.



Follow us on social media!! 

Facebook @TU.K12.STEM | Instagram @TU_K12_STEM.