General Questions
Q: What are the institution and department codes for the GRE?
A: GRE Institution Code: 6173; GRE Department Code: 1004 (Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering).
Q: What are the institution and department codes for the TOEFL?
A: TOEFL Institution Code: 6173; TOEFL Department Code: 64 (Chemical Engineering).
Q: What is the typical graduate student residency?
A: While residency duration is dependent on many factors, five years is a typical residency for doctoral students.
Application and Acceptance
Q: What is the application deadline?
A: We strongly encourage students to submit applications by December 31st for fall admissions.
Q: Do you admit students in the spring semester?
A: Typically students are not admitted for the spring term.
Q: What test scores, GPA do I need to be considered for admission?
A: The Department does not have "minimum" scores, as the admission process is based on a variety of inputs including GPA, standardized test scores, faculty endorsements, and prior research experience. The process is very competitive, however. Historically incoming class GPAs are well above 3.5 and combined GRE scores are well above 1200 (verbal + quantitative, old format), or well above 305 (new format).
Q: Do I need prior research experience?
A: Prior laboratory research experience, although not required, is viewed favorably for admission to the Ph.D. program.
Q: Do I need to take the GRE subject test?
A: The GRE subject test is not required.
Q: What is the minimum score required on the TOEFL?
A: The School of Science and Engineering requires a minimum score of 80. Historically, average TOEFL scores for the incoming graduate class tends to exceed this number by a fairly large margin. TOEFL and IELTS are required if English is not your native language. You may waive these if you achieve a 600+ on the SAT verbal or a 27+ on the ACT English Section
Q: My undergraduate degree is not in Chemical Engineering, can I still apply and be accepted to the Department?
A: Yes, we do consider non-ChE undergrads. Some non-ChE undergrads that are admitted need to complete remedial coursework upon joining the program, others do not. This is handled on a case-by-case basis. It is expected that all applicants will have a strong math background as well as a strong background in the chemical, biological, and/or physical sciences.
Q: Does the department admit Masters students?
A: Yes, the department offers a course-based MS program. However, MS students will not receive a stipend and are responsible for covering tuition costs.
Q: Is there an application fee?
A: There is no fee to apply to the PhD program.
Q: Is the GRE required?
A: The Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering does not require the GRE General Test; however, applicants are strongly encouraged to take the GRE General Test and report the scores if available. There is no minimum GRE required to apply. You may submit unofficial scores with your application.
Q: Is TOEFL/IELTS required for international applicants?
A: TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for all international applicants regardless of language of instruction for your bachelor’s degree. Exceptions will be made for those who are unable to take the GRE due to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no minimum score required to apply. You may submit unofficial scores with your application, but we will require official scores if an offer of admission is made.
Q: What is the application deadline?
A: Applications for Fall admissions are due by December 31 of the preceding year. We may still review applications after the deadline, but you will not be guaranteed full consideration due to funding limitations.
Q: Are official transcripts required?
A: We will review your application with unofficial transcripts, but we will require official transcripts if an offer of admission is made.
Q: How admissions decisions are made?
A: Decisions on graduate admission are made by the Graduate Admissions Committee in the department. The committee is made up of three to four faculty in the department with one serving as chair.
You may also wish to consult the School of Science and Engineering Applications for Admissions page for additional information:
Departmental requirements for the application take precedent over those required by the School of Science and Engineering.
Financial Aid
Q: Is financial aid available for your graduate programs?
A: Full financial aid (tuition + stipend) is given to all students admitted to the Doctoral Program.
Q: Are international students eligible for financial aid?
A: International students applying to the Ph.D. program are eligible for financial aid. If admitted, the student will receive a teaching or research assistantship, tuition waiver, and health insurance supplement as described above.