Major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

The major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology is an innovative program of study. Our diverse faculty offer engaging, student-centered courses with amply opportunities for  hands-on learning in the lab and field in addition to research and study abroad programming in Ecuador, Australia, and Scandinavia, for example. Students are encouraged to join our labs, where they can develop a wide range of skills and expertise in areas including molecular and microbiology, physiology, animal behavior, and disease and field ecology. The EBIO major prepares students for careers in zoology, botany, conservation, science education, consulting, non-governmental organizations, as well as graduate and professional programs. Students interested in pursuing advanced study in public health, medical, or veterinary school also benefit from the breadth and depth of the major, and the unique extent of faculty-student engagement.
The Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department also offers a major in Environmental Biology and a minor in Marine Biology to undergraduate students.

Core Courses

  • EBIO 1010 – Diversity of Life
  • EBIO 1015 – Diversity of Life Laboratory
  • CELL 1010 – General Biology
  • EBIO 2020 – Theory and Methods in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • EBIO 2070 – Molecular & Evolutionary Genetics
  • EBIO 3080 – Processes of Evolution
  • EBIO 3040 – General Ecology
  • EBIO 3045 – General Ecology Laboratory

Elective Courses

  • Five courses (three-four credits each) in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, one of which may be from an approved list of courses from other departments.
  • Two of the elective courses will be approved laboratory or field-oriented courses.
  • Maximum of one three- or four-credit course from EBIO 2910, 2920, 4660, 4960, 4990, or 5000 as one of the lecture electives. (Note: courses in this group taken for fewer than three credits do not count as an elective.)
  • Internship studies, independent studies and seminars cannot count as electives.

Capstone in the EEB Major

  • The Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology requires the completion of one capstone course.
  • Two courses are offered (EBIO 5970, 5971), each fall and spring. Each carries at least two graded credits. Students are required to complete one course.

EBIO 5970, 5971 - Capstone Research Seminars
2-4 Credits
Pre-requisites: Senior Standing and major in EEBI, ENVB, or ENSB.
Students attend departmental research seminars and meet separately to discuss them as contemporary topics in ecology and evolutionary biology. Career development is also considered in the course. Completion of EBIO 5970 or 5971 satisfies the capstone requirement in the major. 


Required Courses from Other Departments

  • Two semesters of Mathematics
    A minimum of 6 credits of mathematics is required for the Bachelor's degree. Any two Mathematics courses numbered 1210 and above may be used to satisfy this requirement. However, the combination of MATH 1150 and MATH 1160 (Long Calculus) may count as one course towards this requirement.
  • Two semesters of General Chemistry with labs (CHEM 1070/1075, 1080/1085 or H1090/H1095, H1100/H1105)
  • Two semesters of Organic Chemistry with labs (CHEM 2410/2430, 2420/2440)
  • Courses in Statistics and Physics are highly recommended but not required

Courses Outside EEB that May Count Towards the Major in EEB

Only one course from this list may count toward the major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEBI). These courses may not be used to satisfy requirements of the major in Environmental Biology (ENVB).


  • ANTH 3140 – Primate Behavior and Ecology
  • ANTH 3720 – Adaptation and Human Variability
  • ANTH 6500 – Human Evolution

Cell and Molecular Biology

  • CELL 3750 – Cell Biology
  • CELL 3755 – Cell Biology Laboratory
  • CELL 3030 – Molecular Biology
  • CELL 3035 – Molecular Biology Laboratory
  • CELL 4010 – Cellular Biochemistry
  • CELL 4110 – Cells and Tissues
  • CELL 4160 – Developmental Biology
  • CELL 4220 – Microbiology
  • CELL 4225 – Microbiology Laboratory


  • CHEM 2500 – Environmental Chemistry
  • CHEM 3830 – Introduction to Biochemistry
  • CHEM 3835 – Introduction to Biochemistry Laboratory

Other Courses

  • SCEN 4110/GBCH 6110 - Basic Medical Biochemistry

Download a checklist of the EE Biology Major Requirements

For more information about courses offered by EE Biology, review the University Catalog.