Time & Location: All talks will be in Gibson Hall 126A on Thursdays at 3:30 pm unless otherwise noted. In order to have time to talk informally with the speakers, we will schedule a time we call “Tea with the speaker” that everyone is welcome to join.
Organizer: Tommaso Buvoli and SamuelPunshon-Smith
Thursday, September 12
Topic: On the flow of zeros of derivatives of polynomials
Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein - Baylor University (Host: Ken McLaughlin)
Abstract: Assume we have a sequence of polynomials whose asymptotic zero distribution is known. What can be said about the zeros of their derivatives? Especially if we differentiate each polynomial several times, proportional to its degree? This simple-to-formulate problem has recently attracted the attention of researchers. Both the problem and the methods of its solution have exciting connections with free probability, random matrices, and approximation theory on the complex plane. In this talk, I will explain some known results in this direction and our approach to the problem, which uses only some elementary complex analysis. This is a joint work with E. Rakhmanov from the University of South Florida.
Location: Dinwiddie Hall 108
Time: 3:30 pm
Thursday, October 10
Topic: Invariant Embeddings
Shlomo Gortler - Harvard (Host: Bernstein)
Abstract: Fix a dimension d and graph H, with n vertices and m edges. Let p be a configuration of n points in R^d. Then we can measure the configuration, mod the Euclidean group, by recording the squared length between each point pair associated with an edge of H. When H is generically globally rigid in d-dimensions, then this measurement map is an almost everywhere injective map from R^{nd}/E(d) to R^m. In this talk, I will discuss the general question of how one can create fully injective maps from R^{nd}/G to R^m where G is some group and m is roughly 2nd.
Location: Gibson Hall 126A
Time: 3:30 pm
Thursday, October 31
Topic: TBA
Antonio Malheiro - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal (Host: Mahir Can)
Abstract: TBA
Location: Gibson Hall 126A
Time: 3:30 pm
Thursday, November 7
Topic: TBA
Scott Ahlgren - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Host: Olivia Beckwith)
Abstract: TBA
Location: Gibson Hall 126A
Time: 3:30 pm
Thursday, November 14
Topic: TBA
Jinho Baik - University: University of Michigan (Host: Gustavo Didier)
Abstract: TBA
Location: Gibson Hall 126A
Time: 3:30 pm