Research Seminars: Probability and Statistics

Spring 2025

Time & Location: All talks are on Wednesdays in TBA at TBA PM unless otherwise noted.
Organizer: Xiang ji, Michelle Lacey and Yuwei Bao



February 12

Title: Multidimensional Empirical Wavelet Transform
Charles-GĂ©rard Lucas- San Diego State University

Abstract:  The empirical wavelet transform, inspired by empirical mode decomposition, is an adaptive time-frequency representation that extracts the different modes of a signal or image by designing a bank of adaptive wavelet filters. The data robustness of this transform has made it the subject of intense development and a growing number of applications over the past decade. However, to date, it has mainly been studied theoretically for signals, and its extension to images is limited to a specific wavelet kernel. This presentation will focus on a multidimensional extension of this transform formulated from a wavelet kernel. Theoretical and numerical properties of this formulation will be particularly detailed.  Its interest for texture segmentation will also be highlighted.

Time: 1:00 pm
Location: 104 Norman Mayer